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欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。European vetch much cultivated as forage and cover crops.

欧洲的一种野豌豆,通常被用来制草料和覆盖作物。European vetch much cultivated as fora ge and cover crops.

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山野豌豆和栽培山黎豆的核型研究。The study on karyotypes of broadleaf vetch and grass pea vine.

本文还对野豌豆属染色体进化的有关问题进行了讨论。Some questions about the chromosomal evolution of Vicia are also discussed.

在豆科牧草中,山野豌豆是一种生物量大、营养成分高且分布广泛的优质牧草。Vicia amoena is a kind of legume which has large biomass , high nutrition and large distribution.

随着生育期的推移线叶野豌豆的营养品质下降,但整个生育期的营养价值相对稳定。With the growth, the nutrition of Vicia tenuipolia Roth declines but the value in the whole was stable.

对线叶野豌豆群落产草量与物种多样性间分析呈“单峰”关系。That the relationship between Vicia tenuipolia Roth yield of grass and inter-species diversity is single-peak.

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山黧豆属植物一种野豌豆属的草本植物,具有羽状复叶,细长的卷须和各种颜色的花朵。Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus, having pinnately compound leaves, slender tendrils, and variously colored flowers.

但不同生态区及不同驯化年限的线叶野豌豆硬实率不同,所对应的浓硫酸浸种时间也不同。But Vicia tenuipolia Roth in different ecological zones and domestication years have different Hard rate, the soaking time was different.

线叶野豌豆为优质高产豆科牧草,在新疆主要分布于天山及阿尔泰山。Vicia tenuipolia Roth is a kind of good quality and high yield Legumes, which mainly distributes in Altai and Tianshang Mountain in Xinjiang.

对青海省东部农业区救荒野豌豆的分布情况进行了调查,并用统计学的方法对其资源量进行计算。In this article, the distribution of Vicia Sativa L. in the eastem agriculture area of Qinghai province was investigated and its resource amount was counted with the method of statistics.