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它们整日繁忙。And they’re busy.

她整日编织。She knits all day.

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他整日闷闷不乐。He has been moping all day.

树啊,你整日仰望上帝。A tree that looks at God allday.

他整日在城里到处跑。He walked about the city all day.

灯光整日照射入客厅之中。Light pours daylong into the parlor.

本周末是冬夏时调整日。This weekend is Daylight Savings Time.

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整日跑步,直到完成训练!Gotta run all day till the runing done!

他们不可以整日价的磨洋工。They can not kill their time every day.

整日白雪飘飘有时能让人陷入疯狂。Too much snow can drive a person crazy.

整日行走在积尘的常理之道。Trodden the dusty road of common sense.

他们又捶又咬过了那一整日They mauled and bit through all that day

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他只是整日踢足球。He just spends his days playing football.

热带的太阳整日灼晒着我们。The tropic sun glared down on us all day.

我们整日寻找那只走失的猫。SEARCH】We searched all day for the lost cat.

他可以整日在我耳边甜言蜜语。He can whisper mellifluous nothings in my ear.

鲁国君臣整日前去观看,对国事就懈怠了。Lu, all went to watch for this state is slack.

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桥本少佐整日喝酒,非常消极。Hashimoto all drink, very little with negative.

只是------我习惯了整日吵闹你。Is only ------I am used to you all day noisily.

奴隶们被奴隶主强迫整日整夜工作。Slave-owners made slaves work all day and all night.