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不用针线就用情意密密缝。Without no seams nor needle work.

作为女人,她也有情意缠绵,柔情似水的一面。As a woman, she is as sweet as honey too.

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不过,礼轻情意重嘛!However, the ceremony affective light weight!

情感包含了情绪与情意。Human affectivity includes emotions and feelings.

在这本情意绵绵的哀歌式小说的末尾,他结束了一生。He died at the end of this wistful and elegiac novel.

一片片相思情意,我想把它献给你。Pieces of lovesick affection I want to present to you.

礼物中的礼物,丝带里藏着暖暖的情意。Gift within a gift, affection hidden within the ribbons.

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当我见到你我就对你产生了爱的情意!When I see you me and then produced a loving cordiality to you!

河中小叶舟,悠悠荡荡,月下飘泊,情意浓浓。The river boat floating about, leaflets, moon rover, thick love.

酒是窖藏多年的女儿红,像极了陈年的情意。Wine cellar for many years daughter red, like the old friendship.

至于他,虽然不无犹豫,还是情意绵绵地表示喜欢她胜过蹲监狱。He tenderly prefers her, though not without some hesitation, to a jail.

然而是家长里短的生存,再加一点儿点情意色彩。However is the survival of the GuChangLiDuan, add a little color. Love PM.

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惠琳听着听着,不知不觉流露出小燕那种情意绵绵的眼神。HuiLin listened, unconsciously reveal xiaoyan the flirty look in the eyes.

李先生情意绵绵地和他的女友散步,还手牵手。Herr Li geht mit seiner Freundin liebvoll spazieren, und sogar Hand in Hand.

我们发现情意已经被取代,变得疯狂、倒错、及新陈代谢,但是并没有被压抑。One finds it displaced, mad, inverted, metabolised, but it is not repressed.

相比较情意绵绵的话语,有些男人更乐意通过行动来表达他们的感受。Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words.

戏台上那些情意绵绵的爱情场面使爱玛为之神往。The tender love scenes Behind the footlights made Emma Breathless with envy.

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小倩化身簿仙子相见,一手将情诗撕毁拒绝他的情意。Small qian incarnation book fairy meet, hand to tear to refuse his love poem.

“有时他会在整事的时候说些情意绵绵的情话,”克丽丝说。"Sometimes he'll talk to me in a loving, tender way during sex, " says Chris.

他向她伸出手,他们的目光碰到了一起。他情意绵绵地把她拉起来。He offers her a hand and their eyes meet. Chemistry. He helps her to her feet.