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余花落尽青苔院。I do flowers moss hospital.

墙上长着斑斑点点的青苔。The wall was patched with moss.

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北坡常长青苔。Moss affects the northern slopes.

这些墙布满了青苔,极其黏滑。The walls were all slimy and green.

直到青苔把我们的嘴封闭Until the Moss had reached our lips

晶莹剔透,半透明的青苔绿色。Shimmery, semi-sheer light moss green.

而且都生满青苔、开满花朵All overgrown with azure moss and flowers

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村舍前青苔遍布的老树,苹果压弯了枝桠To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees

村舍前爬满青苔的老树,被苹果压弯了枝桠。To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees.

那布满青苔的木桶,我那麽珍惜。That moss-covered bucket I hailed as a treasure.

小河被青苔所覆盖。A small stream was mantled over with green mosses.

相思黄叶落,白露点青苔。I weep–the dew twinkles white on the green mosses.

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我从绿色布满青苔的井沿将它接住。How sweet from the green, mossy brim to receive it.

你妈是个丑八怪,岩石上的青苔都吓脱!Yo momma's so ugly, she could scare the moss off a rock!

让我独自带在我的充满青春的公园、长满青苔的花圃里。Ah, leave me alone in my pubescent park, in my mossy garden.

冷却水塔可加杀藻剂和除垢剂,防防止青苔和水垢。Algicide and cleaner can be added to the cooling water tower.

她看见了石头,大树和青苔。她听见了鸟儿在欢叫。Now she sees the rocks, the trees and ferns. She hears a bird.

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山壁上,青苔的绿,是细微也是数大。On the mountainside, the moos ' green is green and large also.

龙卷风是由钢丝绒、棉花、欧芹和青苔做成的。Tornado is made of steel wool, cotton, ground parsley and moss.

阶下青苔与红树,雨中寥落月中愁。Order under the moss and mangrove, Sparse rain in mid-depression.