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买这个将近要花六美元!Almost six dollars for this!

将近14万3千人死亡。Nearly 143, 000 people died.

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她将近90岁了,但身体仍然十分强健。She ost 90, but still very robust.

“将近”就是接近的意思。"Jiangjin" means nearly, or almost.

我在这儿居住将近六年了。I have lived here for nearly 6years.

我等了将近两个小时,爸爸才出来。I kept waiting for nearly two hours.

我们将近一个月未见滴雨。W had not sn rain in almost a month.

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我们将近一个月未见滴雨。We had not seen rain in almost a month.

现在已将近9000个成员。Group which now has almost 9000 members.

这一禁就是将近300年。They stayed banned for almost 300 years.

贝蒂姨婆那时是将近80岁。Aunt Bettie was almost 80 years old then.

我们的货物超过19吨,将近20吨。The cargos exceed 19 tons, around 20tons.

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她们全都将近一千岁了。They are all almost a thousand years old.

将近一半的选手放弃比赛。About half of the competitors dropped out.

我使用“守护天使”将近5年了。I've been using Guardian Angel for over 5yrs.

雀巢2010年销售总额将近110亿瑞士法郎。Nestlé sales for 2010 were almost CHF 110 bn.

他们俩都将近87岁高龄。They were both almost eighty-seven years old.

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那个城市的人口将近一百万。The city has a population of nearly 1,000,000.

维迪奇为红魔已出场了将近200次。Vidic has played nearly 200 times for the Reds.

你生命中将近一半的时间是在工作中度过的。You spend nearly half of your life at your job.