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人类有一天也会面临被事在人为的命运。Mankind may one day meet this fate.

事在人为。Human effort is the decisive factor.

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要武断地决定,不要事在人为。Decisions are too important to leave to chance.

事在人为,态度决定一切!Depends on human effort, attitude is everything!

他认为,事在人为!He believed that human effort can achieve anything.

事情的确可以好转,但事在人为。Things can get better, but you have to make them so.

成功是事在人为还是听天由命?Is success in life earned or do people succeed because they are lucky?

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事在人为,只要有人做,就会有效果。Solutions depend on human effort. If someone acts, results will follow.

希望事业爱情兼得,事在人为。Hopes the enterprise love concurrently, everything depends on human effort.

年少轻狂的时候觉得事在人为,努力就一定会有结果。When young and frivolous feel there is nothing, there will be efforts to results.

“事在人为”是华盈人创造“力哥”品牌的光光辉传统。"It all depends on human effort" is the tradition when creating "Lige" brand bicycles.

⊙、天下之事在人为,决不可以一时之波澜遂自毁其壮志。The period of the world, and never can be the waves of then self-destruct its ambitions.

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也许理想与现实有很大的差距,但是事在人为,在于我的坚信。Perhaps the ideal and the reality of a large gap, but there is nothing, because I firmly believe that.

我相信“事在人为”,也信奉“谋事在人,成事在天”!I trust that "It is all depends on human effort. " And I also believe that "Man proposes, God disposes.

这位49岁的底特律当地人奉行“事在人为”的理念。吉尔伯特现在重返市中心。A 49-year-old native ofDetroitwhose motto is "We can do well by doing good", Mr Gilbert is reshapingDetroit's centre.

金珠知道王俊又想劝她放手,立即固执地说事在人为,她是绝不会放弃的。Kim know wang junwork again want to persuade her to let it go, immediately said obstinately period, she would never give up.

事在人为―不头痛,解决问题根本。头痛的原因五花八门,找对病因才能除根。What becomes depends on what you do. Headache-free, solve the problem thoroughly. Causes of headache come not just in one way. To kill them, we should find them first.

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公司秉持“诚信、优质、合作、共赢”的经营理念,坚信“事在人为”,致力于打造一流的产品,一流的服务。Company uphold the principle of "integrity, quality, cooperation, win-win" business philosophy, firmly believes that "there is nothing", is committed to creating first-class products and services.