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我掉了认领标签了。I lost my claim tag.

有人认领这件行李吗?Does anyone claim this luggage?

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这笔奖金还无人认领。The reward has never been claimed.

从未有人来认领这笔赏金。The reward has never been claimed.

无人认领的被捐赠给慈善机构。Unclaimed items are donated to charity.

父无可考或生父未认领,母为外国人者。Father is not known and mother is foreigner.

我们没有地方容纳每一条没人认领的狗。We don't have room for every unclaimed dog.'

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她把那些没人认领的货物占为己有。She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods.

我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李。I claimed my lost luggage at the Lost and Found.

我在失物招领处认领了丢失的行李。I claimed the my lost luggage at the Lost and Found.

记住成功是你的,你只需要去认领。Remember success is yours, you just need to claim it.

日本于1895年吞并了其所谓的无人认领的岛屿。Japan annexed what it says were unclaimed islands in 1895.

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你的认领单钉在票封的背面。Your claim check is stapled in the back of your ticket jacket.

他说,许多30天内无人认领的失物被捐赠给慈善机构。After 30 days many unclaimed items are donated to charity, he says.

其中还包括50,000具身份不明的尸体,也无人前来认领。It includes 50,000 unidentified bodies that have never been claimed.

如果您是一个人工任务的潜在所有者,就可以认领此任务。If you are a potential owner of a human task, you may claim this task.

非婚生子女认领制度是亲属法上的一项重要制度。Illegitimate child claim system is an important system of the family law.

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遇难者遗体认领等善后工作也正在展开。Unclaimed bodies of the victims, such as rehabilitation work is under way.

如果狗的主人在48小时内没有认领,你就可以申请收养了。If the owner doesn't claim the dog in 48 hours, you can apply for adoption.

第一百一十三条遗失物自发布招领公告之日起六个月内无人认领的,归国家所有。When the claiming announcement o is published, it shall be owned by the state.