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目的研究泽泻利尿作用的物质基础。OBJECTIVE To study on the diuretic active compounds of Alisma orientalis.

目的研究泽泻汤对正常小鼠血压的影响及其特点。ObjectiveTo study the effect of Zexie decoction on blood pressure in mice.

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提示了在利水中药中泽泻是治疗腹水的有效药物。It is suggested that Rhizoma Alismatis is an effective drug on the treatment of ascites.

湖北泽泻科植物的区系特点和地理分布。The floristic features and geographical distribution of the Alismataceae flora in Hubei.

研究了泽泻个体发育早期的器官发育顺序。The Organic development sequence of Alisma orientale in early stage of ontogeny was studied.

目的建立泽泻饮片甲醇提取液的高效液相指纹图谱,为其鉴别提供依据。Objective A fingerprint of Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalitis'decoction pieces was established by HPLC- ELSD.

试验研究了人工湿地园中泽泻沼泽植物蒸腾特性的日变化。The transpiration characteristics of wetland plants like Alisma orientale in artificial wetland garden were studied.

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方法分离提取泽泻的化学活性成分,制作大鼠肾草酸钙结石模型。Extracted the active constituents of Alisma Orientalis by isolation techniques then established rat urolithiasis model.

目的检测猪苓汤及泽泻对肾结石大鼠草酸钙结晶形成的影响。Objective To measure the effect of Zhulingtang and Zexie for formation of the calcium oxalate crystal in rats with kidney stones.

目的从分子水平上揭示生态环境对泽泻“道地性”的影响。Objective To reveal the effect of ecological environment on trueborn quality of rhizoma of Alisma orientate from molecular level.

探讨用大孔树脂富集纯化泽泻总萜醇类成分的方法。To discover the method of enrichment and purification of total terpenoid components from Alisma Orientalis with macroporous resin.

结论泽泻水提物具显著利尿活性,其利尿活性与降低肾脏髓质AQP2作用有关。Conclusion Aqueous extract of Rhizoma Alismastis has significant diuretic activity, it has diuretic effect by down-regulating AQP2.

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方法取不同成熟度泽泻种子分别在光照培养箱中做发芽试验和田间植株生长观察。Methods The seeds of different maturity were germinated in light growth a chamber and the cultivated plants were observed in field.

其中,杂草种类较多的科依次为禾本科、莎草科、菊科、玄参科、泽泻科、千屈菜科等。The families including the most weed species were Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, Scrophulariaceae, Alismataceae and Lythraceae.

建立了利用便携式小型光谱仪测定中药泽泻中三萜醇酮类化合物总量的比色测定方法。The use of LEDbased portable device for the colorimetric determination of triterpenoid alcohol ketones in Alisma orientalis has been established.

实验建立的GC色谱指纹图谱可用于泽泻药材产地鉴别,但无法区分饮片的产地。The GC fingerprint established can be used to identify the habits of Alisma orientalis herb, but can not discriminate the habit of cut crude drug.

各产区间川泽泻药材指纹图谱相似度较高,相似度均在0.94以上,表明药材的整体质量、各成分比例稳定一致。Samples from different habitats were of high similarity, most similarity ratio is at 0.94 upwards, which indicated that the total quality was very stable.

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提示泽泻水提物和醇提物对肥胖小鼠均有降血脂的作用,但两者对脂代谢的影响没有明显的优劣差异。This reveals that both the water and alcohol extracts of Alisma orientalis have the effect of lowering blood lipid and there is no significant difference between them.

本论文在FPS研究的基础上,结合中医配伍理论,研究将FPS与几味传统中药-大黄、黄芪、泽泻、益母草的提取物组合成治疗慢性肾功能衰竭的海洋复方新药物。Based on the study of FPS and the coupling theory of traditional Chinese medicine, Fufang New Marine Drug was composed of extract from some traditional Chinese medicine and FPS.

比起普通野生稻和柳叶箬种群,长喙毛茛泽泻种群在光合份额和有性生殖份额方面对密度的变化要敏感得多,其无性小株死亡率也随着初始密度的增加而上升。The latter was more sensitive than the other two in biomass allocations to leaf and to sexual reproduction, and its ramet death ratio also increased as total initial density did.