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林肯总统出身清贫。President Lincoln was born barren,.

却甘愿一生固守清贫。On living a poor but clean life I insist.

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我也从不因为我家的清贫而感到困惑。I also never because of our poor and puzzled.

尽管他现在十分富有,可他一直保持着清贫的生活方式。He holds on to his poor life although he's rich now.

即的风好大啊,我们走起来都很清贫。And today the wind is so heavy . we can't walk very easy.

从他的外表来看可以明显看出修道院生活的清贫。The privations of monastery life were evident in his appearance.

既然选择了这个清贫的行业,就要安贫乐道。Now then you have chosen this poor industry, you should be content with it.

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方志敏的清贫生活依靠精神世界的富有作支柱。Fang Zhimin's poor life rely his riches in the world of spirit as his pillar.

一生清贫,诗书画及设计工作是我生命中的戏寄托。Writing poems, calligraphy, painting and designing are his game and sustenance.

拒绝尘世,接受清贫,在宁静中守着心灵的一方净土。Refuse to earthiness, accept poverty in quiet in the heart of one party sukhavati keep.

家境清贫,卧病在床的母亲需要家用,妹妹下学期的学费也还没有着落。Needy, the sick mother needs home, her sister the next semester also not been available.

清贫,是连帝王也可能会指之为己物来引以为荣的一粒宝石,但我则情愿。Honest poverty is a gem that even a king may be proud to call his own, but I wish to sell out.

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农村教师精神压力过大,很大一个原因是因为农村教师过于清贫。Rural teachers mental stress is too large, a big reason is because of poor rural teachers too.

于是,修佛时的反叛以及主动地清贫度日便成为一股正面的力量。The disaffiliation and acceptance of poverty by practicing Buddhists becomes a positive force.

清贫,洁白朴素的生活,正是我们革命者能够战胜许多困难的地方!Poor, white and simple life, it is the place where we revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties!

女人的清贫日子,怀着花的心情,平淡日子便是国色天香,有滋有味了。Woman's impoverished day and fade life is flavorful like the peony if you are armed with the flower's mood.

范蠡生活清贫,但聪明好学,博学多才,他拜计然为师,成为当地一名圣贤。Although living a poor life, he was bright, curious and knowledgeable. After taught by Ji Ran, he became a local sage.

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清贫与寂寞,鲜花与赞美,都淡然迎送,心灵坦荡,如无际的原野。The poor and lonely, flowers and praise, are indifferent protocol, magnanimous mind, such as the boundless wilderness.

我想,他可以讲很多内容,关于清贫和达观,幽默和疾病,写作和自我,以及人类的境遇。He could speak, I thought, about deprivation and resilience, humor and illness, writing and the self, the human condition.

他生活清贫,衣食简朴,以打柴为生,平时为周围渔民治病。He lived poor, simple food and clothing, to collect firewood for a living, usually around the fishermen for the treatment.