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快走啦!小妖婆婆。Let's go hurry, Little Witch!

路得对婆婆的忠诚并不耀目。Ruth's loyalty is not glamorous.

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婆婆来了以为非你莫属在跟谁说话?Who do you think you're tisking to?

婆婆来了以为非你莫属在跟谁说话?Who do you think you're tnosking to?

她常生她婆婆的气。She often storms at her husband's mother.

让一株婆婆纳变蓝的所有阳光!The sun that go to make one speedwell blue!

我的婆婆想抱孙子了。My mother-in-law wishes to be a grandmother.

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婆婆的英语基础和你一样差。POPO's english base is very bad to like you.

莎拉是珍妮的婆婆和德克立的岳母。Sarah is Jenny's and Derick's mother-in-law.

让一株婆婆纳变蓝的所有阳光!The suns that go to make one speedwell blue!

女孩很想得到公公婆婆的喜爱。She wanted to be loved by her parents-in-law.

门铃响,竟然是婆婆送新新回来了!The bell rang. My mother-in low sent Xinxin back!

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早春时节,我去探望婆婆。This early spring, I went to visit my grandmother.

洗脚盆,妈妈正在给婆婆洗脚,被儿子看到了。Mother is mother-in-law give feet, was the son saw.

只看见婆婆那幸福的微笑洋溢在嘴角。Veronica saw only a happy smile that filled the mouth.

她一贯公开地说她婆婆的坏话。She is always running down her mother-in-law in public.

鸭婆婆病了?这真不幸,我马上去!Is Grandma sick? That's not like her! I'm coming at once!

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婆婆沉吟了一会儿就回家了。The mother ponders over this for a while, then goes home.

花婆婆住在海边的一幢小房子里。The Lupine Lady lives in a small house overlooking the sea.

这一笑不要紧,他唤来了雨婆婆。It does not matter if the laughter, he rained mother-in-law.