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我们为取名字而费尽心思。We picked out names.

她给它取名为“信仰”。She named him ‘Faith’.

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买条小狗。给他取名为沙罗。Buy a puppy. Name it Charo.

他父亲给他取名东明。His father named him Dongming.

他给女儿取名沙柳。He named their daughter Willow.

父亲给这男孩取名为彼特。The father named the boy Peter.

他随叔父取名汤马斯。He was named Thomas after his uncle.

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给它取名字,颇费了我一番工夫。Picking his name took a bit of doing.

他们给新出生的婴儿取名为詹姆斯。They named the newly-born baby James.

他根据父亲的名字取名为罗伯特。He was called Robert after his father.

Kroc将餐厅取名为“麦当劳”。Kroc called his restaurant " McDonald's."

或者给你的第二个孩子取名法比奥?Maybe call your second child Fabio, then?

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那孩子随他舅父的名子取名乔治。The boy was named George after his uncle.

取名字的过程不可能是一层不变的。The process of naming is anything but linear.

你是怎么给一个领养的小孩取名的呢?How do you choose a name for an adopted child?

如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。If you must give me a name, call me hobgoblin.

我们可以随你的祖父,给他取名Gohan。We could name him Gohan like your grandfather.

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如果你非得给我取名,就叫我小妖精吧。If you must give me a name, call me hobgob-lin.

他说服弗吉尼娅以他的名字为婴儿取名。He persuaded Virginia to name the baby after him.

买一个大红色的保龄球,取名为"戈尔巴契夫。"Buy a large red bowling ball. Name it "Gorbachev."