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先前每个城市有它自己的自然力守护神的寺庙。Previously each city had its own elementalist temple.

这一现象促使我思考火与它作为一种自然力所起的作用。This prompted me to consider fire and the role it plays as a force of nature.

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事实上,水力发电是人们利用自然力得到能源的最普遍的方式。Hydro-electricity is probably the most used form of energy supplied by nature.

但是,军方并不满足于仅用超自然力搜集情报。But the military was not content to use psychics merely to gather intelligence.

实际上,对于一些自然力的速度的测试,已经有过成功的尝试。Ingenious experiments have been tried, to measure the velocity of the elective force.

她认为,美军真正发现了利用超自然力的途径。She believed the U.S. Army had genuinely discovered a way of harnessing the paranormal.

举个例子,恩斯特·哈斯关于天空、自然力和季节图片非常引人注目。Take, for example, Ernst Haas's images of dramatic skies, the elements and the seasons.

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实相有几分像是一个巨大的发条装置-自然力没有自由意志。Reality is a gigantic clockworks of a sort – the forces of nature do not have free will.

而特殊资本对特殊自然力的垄断会形成虚假的社会价值。If special capital monopolized special natural forces, this could create false social value.

殷商时期,“帝”的观念出现,它是自然力的化身,它被人意识为自身的对立面、压迫者。It was the avatar of natural power, which was regarded as contrary and oppressor by human being.

他说目前还不清楚哪些损害是由于自然力造成的,哪些是人为造成的。He says it's unclear what part of the damage is from Mother Nature and which is from human nature.

在奥法得教授的教室里好像面对一种强大的自然力——令人兴奋,充满危险,令人敬畏。Being in class with Dr. Offutt is like confronting a force of nature – exciting, dangerous, awe-inspiring.

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那些穷忙族,从来不注重外界自然力的趋势,那只会让他们的生活布满艰难并很难成功。Those who work blindly, regardless of these forces, make life difficult for themselves and rarely prosper.

古人们把各种自然力量,都赋予了神的色彩,有时,对自己的认识也如此。People regarded the various natural forces as imbued with divine power, as in some sense divinities themselves.

鬣毛直竖的野兽,在某种超自然力逼近时,感到惊愕失措。Nature, bristling and wild, takes alarm at certain approaches in which she fancies that she feels the supernatural.

而异常情况包括不可抗拒自然力、提供者的预定停机维护或光纤线路的意外中断。Exceptions include acts of God, the provider's scheduled downtime maintenance, or accidental cutting of the fiber optics line.

这个传言能永葆活力的一个原因是,它已经被一些心理学和助推其他超自然力量的人们采纳来解释精神力量。One reason this myth has endured is that it has been adopted by psychics and other paranormal pushers to explain psychic powers.

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画面中央的太阳光芒四射,威力无穷,将万物笼罩其中,体现了透纳对自然力量的迷恋。The sunlight at the heart of the painting eradiate everything, a dazzling example of Turner's obsession with the power of nature.

习惯于在与自然力和印第安人作斗争中求生存的人们被政客,银行家及实业家搞得手足无措。Men accustomed to struggling for survial against the elements and Indians were bewildered by politicians, bankers and business-men.

她是所有自然力量的至高象征,所有自相矛盾的综合,妇女形态的至高神。She is the highest symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their antinomies , the Ultimate Divine in the form of woman.