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来段日常的太极练习。Begin a daily tai chi practice.

练习瑜伽,太极或者气功。Practice yoga, tai chi, or Qigong.

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太极是为冥想设计的。Taichi is designed for meditation.

也许太极会对你有好处。Maybe Tai Chi would be good for you.

太极为你做了什么?。What is tai-chi doing for you actually?

随着一段瑜伽、普拉提或是太极而放松下来。Slow down with yoga, Pilates or tai chi.

太极,出了一身汗,洗了个澡。Too very, entire body perspiration, washed a Zao.

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太极禅是他的新太极公司。Taichi Zen is the name of his new tai chi company.

你可以了解到太极的知识和招式。You can learn about the taichi knowledge and forms.

他还在中国练过气功和太极。He also has training in Chinese qi gong and tai chi.

长城脚下练太极,在陈家沟的晨练生活!Practicing Taiji at the Great Wall and Chen Village!

期待已久的太极功夫扇班来了!The much awaited course on Taiji Gongfu Fan is here!

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整球涂太极八卦阴阳鱼图案,光洁如镜,如脂似玉。The whole ball with tai chi Yin and Yang fish design.

而悲惨的麦兜却要到武当山上学太极。McDull has to go to Wudang Mountain to study taijiquan.

练一练中国最早的武术之一——太极。Practice one of China's original martial arts, Tai Chi.

那边,一个男人在练习动作舒缓的太极。Over there, a man performed the slow-motion dance of tai chi.

太极散手是太极推手技法的延伸。Taichi Sanshou is the extension of Taichi push-hands exercise.

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有时候,他做的太极简了,他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。Sometimes, he goes too minimalist, and it bites him in the ass.

瑜伽和太极也对你的大脑有好处——不仅对身体有好处。Yoga and Tai Chi are also good for the mind –not only the body.

除了皈依佛教,他还练起了太极。Apart form being converted to Buddhism, he also practices Taiji.