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他热中于爵士乐。He is hipped on jazz.

他热中于他的新立体音响。He flipped over his new stereo.

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热中于了解与学习最新的技术。Excited to pick new and varied techniques.

他热中于运动而影响了工作。His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport.

他们妒忌,满怀杀机,热中纷争,欺诈,用心险恶。They were full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness.

许多商人都急于在流行的中国热中捞一把。Many merchants were not slow to cash in on the current China craze.

在近来孔子复兴热中这个涂鸦是最新的表现。The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius.

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哈尔热中于网球,而他太太是投入绘画及雕刻。Hal goes in for tennis while his wife goes in for painting and sculpture.

这人是他一向喜欢的乔,而乔正热中着生活。And yet this was Joe, whom he had always liked. But Joe was too keen with life.

她愉快地与结婚对她的丈夫乔,商业主管和热中船民。She is happily married to her husband Joe, a business executive and avid boater.

为什麽天文学家那麽热中于研究冥王星、冥卫一以及柯伊伯带?WHY ARE ASTRONOMERS so interested in studying Pluto- Charon and the Kuiper Belt?

特别是淘金热中涌现了许多城镇,如旧金山、丹佛、弗吉尼亚等。Especially in the gold rush, such as many towns in San Francisco, Denver, Virginia, etc.

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真的很热中攀岩的话,也许可以在家里遍设岩点来练习。Or if you're really into it, you might put handholds all over your house to practice on.

我觉得大部分粉丝都是年轻人,她们对超女所倡导的文化氛围比较热中。I think most fans are youngsters who are into the cultural atmosphere super girls advocate.

他们依旧避开聚光灯,让引颈期盼片断消息的飞行热中份子感到挫折。Still, they avoided the limelight, much to thefrustrationofaviation excited bysnippets of news.

多数拒绝接受联邦的猪肉桶元热中于使她们信服转换到更多相关的农作物。Many refuse to accept Federal pork barrel dollars devoted to convincing you to convert to other crops.

这一文体的形成,与胡适本人长期热中于演讲大有关系。The formation of this style had much to do with Hu Shi's long-term enthusiasm for delivering lectures.

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多数拒绝接受联邦的猪肉桶元热中于使他们信服转换到其他的农作物。Many refuse to accept Federal pork barrel dollars devoted to convincing them to convert to other crops.

但是那些出售或对外租赁它们资源的国家又是为何呢?它们是如此热中以至于派了陌头表演队去海湾地区。But what of those selling or leasing their resources?They are keen enough, even sending road shows to the Gulf.

他的真正的热中在于文学和科学的哲理,他会欣然把自己的全部时间都花在研究这些学问上。His genuine passions are for literture and the philosophy of science and he would gladly spend all his time in studying them.