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让嘴凑近酒器,不要后退。Lips to the vessels, never shrink.

答案当然是醒酒器。And we use decanters to "awaken" our wines.

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他用鸡尾酒调酒器帮我们调了一杯酒。He mixed us a drink in the cocktail shaker.

柜子的面板是我选的最简单的调酒器质感,颜色接近于墙的颜色。The cabinets I chose were simple shaker style panels.

如果我想买台葡萄酒冷酒器,该如何选择呢?If I Want to Buy a Wine Cooler, What Should I Look For?

极有可能是由这个自家制作的制酒器械生产的。Probably produced by this home-made liquor manufacture.

醒酒器不一定非得要是昂贵的水晶制得传家宝。Decanters don't need to be expensive cut glass crystal heirlooms.

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啤酒倒酒器能让你避免倒罐装啤酒的时候把酒洒出来。Beer Hour dispenser will help you pour canned beer without spills.

这套酒器是位蒙古族朋友送我的。This set of wine containers was given to me by a Mongolian friend.

卮是战国时期人们普遍使用的一种盛酒器。During the Warring States Period, "Zhi" was a ware used to fill the drink.

白葡萄酒魔术醒酒器,有着不同的内部尺寸和流速。Magic Decanter for White Wine has different internal dimensions and flow rates.

像这个酒器之类的设计精致的随葬品是地位的象征。The elaborate design of grave goods, such as this wine container, signaled status.

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二里头文化青铜酒器,是中国目前发现最早的青铜礼器。The bronze wine vessel of the Erlitou Culture is the earliest bronze vessel found in China by now.

本公司主要产品为不锈钢酒壶、酒吧套件、倒酒器、开瓶器、酒瓶塞等礼品套装及家居生活工艺品。Our main productions are stainless steel hip flask, bar set, wine pourer, key holders, bottle stoppers, etc.

她还把家庭酒吧用具,诸如冰桶和调酒器等的销售增长也归功于男士们。She also credits men for helping drive sales gains in home bar ware, such as ice buckets and cocktail shakers.

同样即将离任的副首相约翰·普雷斯科特则得到了一个用来放酒器的架子。Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who is also stepping down, was given a stand for holding drinks decanters.

代理各种进口咖啡机、咖啡器皿、咖啡豆、咖啡粉、各种洋酒、调酒器皿、葡萄酒。Coffee, cocktail and wine-related sales, including coffee machine, tools, and beans, kinds of wines and bartending tools.

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目前,在北京城内保留的国宝“渎山大玉海”,就是元朝皇宫的酒器。At present, in the city of Beijing keep national treasure "unholy jade sea", is Alexander of the yuan dynasty palace bartender.

饮食器具是民众生活用器,包含食器、酒器等,具有极强的群组性和依附性。Served as people's daily use, catering utensils are endowed with strong dependency, which include tablewares and wine sets etc.

电动红酒开瓶器、红酒开瓶器、真空瓶塞、倒酒器、陶瓷刀、硅胶餐厨具、酒具等产品。Our major products are electric corkscrew, corkscrew, vacuum stopper, wine pourer, foil cutter, ceramic knives and dining products.