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尚书制度是中国古代政治制度中的一项重要制度。Shangshu institution was an important political institution in China history.

是皇帝御赐给陈家礼部尚书陈诜的妻子的。The emperor presented the plaque to Cha, the wife of Chen Shen, Minister of Rites.

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由工部主事六品之官,直做到户部、兵部和吏部尚书一品大员。Industry by the six principal officers of goods, direct families to do, and Li Bu Hyobu a chancery officials goods.

专职机构为九卿系统下的鸿胪寺和尚书系统的主客司两个部门。Jiuqing system for the allied agencies David bunch Temple, and the guest of honor Secretary chancery these two departments.

楚北捷心中明白晋王这是怀疑皇子的死与自己有关,他询问张尚书镇北王府是否已经被查抄?Chu Beijie knew this is the king's death and his suspected prince, he asked whether the Zhang Shangshu town palace has been checked?

第五章分三个时期说明农工商部领导层的变化、历任尚书管部的特点及其对部务的影响。The fifth chapter shows change of lead level by three periods and analyses characteristics of ministers of MAIC and their influence.

新任浙直总督胡宗宪配合兵部尚书,接下了城防重任。The new zhejiang straight governor Hu Zongxian cooperate with the ministry of war history, accepted the task of the yugoslav capital.

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明代户部尚书的任职情况大致可以反映出有明一代270余年的国家政治状况。The appointment of ministers in the Board of Revenue and Population reflects the political situation of Ming dynasty for over 270 years.

“捣蛋大王”尚书美美的舔了一下手中的棒棒糖,好似进入了仙境。"Mischief-making King" Book of the United States and the United States in the hands of the lollipop licking a moment, as if into a fairyland.

北魏尚书府遗弃在乡下的庶女李未央意外救了心儿,后又因掩护心儿被追兵杀害。Wei Shang Fu saved heart abandoned in the countryside ordinary female Li Weiyang accident, and for protecting heart by pursuing soldiers killed.

霍韬在就任南京礼部尚书之职时,进行了一系列礼仪整顿。In the third part, Huo Tao has carried out a series of ritual reorganizations when he took charge of the Minister of Ministry of Rites of Nan Jing.

韩定辞,深州人。为镇州观察判官、检校尚书祠部郎中,兼侍御史。诗一首。South Korea set speech, deep states of people. State observed for the town judge, calibration Book of Cibu doctor, and Shiyu history. Write a poem.

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杜斌本是工部尚书退休,在任期间即与妻舅罗琼勾搭包揽朝廷严重工程,从中谋取暴利。This is DuBin holds the ministry, during the term and is retired QiJiu LuoQiong seduce serious engineering, from which swept the court to seek profits.

而在明朝,兵部尚书石星听取了商人朱均旺关于朝鲜和日本联合侵略明朝的情报。In the Ming dynasty, ministry of war history Shi Xing heard the businessman zhu are flourishing intelligence about north Korea and Japan jointly invaded the Ming dynasty.

唐代中央职官在东都洛阳分设了一套职官体系,东都尚书省是唐代东都分司机构的重要组成部分。The central officials of the Tang Dynasty set up an official system in the East Capital of Luoyang, of which Shangshusheng was one of the important branching organization.

胡宗宪尚书府中檐下接水的竹管——房屋四处的雨水通过屋檐下的竹管汇入厨房的储水缸里,既能除尘消烟,必要时还能用来救火。Bamboo Pipes Under the Eaves in Minister Hu Zongxian's Residence. Through the pipes, rainwater flows into a vat in the kitchen, used for either house cleaning or fire fighting.

我已经把这事查清楚了,宝大祥托的人是南京兵部尚书王琼,王琼陛下还记得吧?I yet retard this matter remove, the treasure big Xiang gives of the person is the Nanking soldier's ministry paperback still Wang Qiong, Wang Qiong's his majesty still remembers?

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军机大臣,吏部尚书潘世恩说了一堆不着边际的话,勉励了楚剑功一番,就让他退下了。Military airplane huge minister, Li ministry still writing Pan Shi En said the words faring off the jot a host of, encouraged a Chu's sword achievement some kind of, make him back next.

同时明代在户部的用人政策与现实之间的差距、户部尚书任职的短暂以及他们大多不得善终的结局,也暴露出当时的政治体制中存在的问题。Meanwhile, the distance between appointment policy and reality, the fact that most of the ministers didn't wind up properly join to expose the problems existing in the political system at that time.