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他没听你的劝告。He acted against your advice.

一位母亲在劝告她的儿子。A mother is admonishing her son.

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当你不听劝告,就会吼吼你。Yells when you won't listen and.

我们所有的劝告都无用。All our persuasion was of no use.

他们终于听从了我们的劝告。At last they yield to our advice.

我后悔没听他办四级成绩单的劝告。I regret not following his advice.

你的劝告对我大有帮助。Your advice was a great help to me.

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别把我的劝告当耳边风。Don't throw my warnings to the wind.

我受益于母亲的劝告。I benefited from my mother's advice.

他对谁的劝告都不听。He would listen to no expostulations.

劝告你简直是浪费工夫。It is waste of time, admonishing you.

辈分大的人。听从长辈的劝告吧。Listen to the counsel of your elders.

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你真是史上最牛的劝告者了!You are really the best adviser ever.

的劝告形式的每一个是相似的。The hortatory form of each is similar.

基督劝告我们要爱人如己。Christ exhorted us to love one another.

祖母的劝告永远言之有理。Grandmother's advice always made sense.

她的劝告对她毫无影响。Her advisement has no influence on her.

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她用劝告等体例匡助我。She helped me with advice and otherwise.

你的劝告对那个男孩来说是对牛弹琴。Your advice is chucked away on that boy.

可是所有劝告全都无济于事。But all the advisements went of no avail.