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你也许恰好享受它。You may even enjoy it.

而我恰好有这样的计时器。And so we do have a timer.

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这次恰好就是其中的一次。And this is one of those times.

那恰好是我的观点。That was precisely my own view.

恰好一对小丑,你们俩?Right pair of jokers, aren't you?

事实上恰好相反。In fact, it is quite the opposite.

恰好在我们的寒假前夕。like right before our winter break.

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事实上,恰好相反。In fact, I think the exact opposite.

我醒来时,恰好天亮。When I awaked, it was just daylight.

恰好赶上壮观的日落。And there was this incredible sunset.

我恰好朝另一个方向看了。I happened to be looking another way.

我们恰好是同天到达这里的。We arrived here on the self-same day.

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此时他恰好听到了滴水的声音。He happened to hear some water dripping.

收支恰好相抵。Income and expenditures exactly balance.

电脑恰好就是一种大脑自行车。Computers just happen to be one of those.

恰好相反,是活泼的让人令人厌恶的活泼。On the contrary, a tiresomely active one.

这时候恰好碰见了防空演习。Right in the middle of an air raid drill.

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而这两条公路恰好从香河穿过。On the two roads which cross from Xianghe.

里斯戴维斯恰好翻译了这个词。Rhys Davids has aptly translated the word.

这恰好给我更多的时间翻来覆去。It just gave me more time to toss and turn.