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当烟瘾来是请吸吮一根。Suck on one whenever a cig craving hits.

他从未能戒除烟瘾。He has never conquered his addiction to smoking.

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当初人们为什么会暴饮暴食,染上烟瘾酒瘾?Why do people overeat, or smoke or drink in the first place?

谢林试图戒除烟瘾已经有多年时间了。Schelling had spent years trying to kick his tobacco addiction.

这样的一天对于没有经验的心灵就像鸦片对于没有烟瘾的肉体一般。A day of it to the untried mind is like opium to the untried body.

当你烟瘾发作时,用棒棒糖或口香糖代替吸烟。When you have a craving for a cigarette, suck on a lollipop or chew some gum.

电子烟可能会比尼古丁贴片或口香糖更快地帮助吸烟者戒掉烟瘾。E-cigarettes may help smokers quit more efficiently than nicotine patches or gum.

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另一份研究发现,拥有这些基因的人更容易患烟瘾,多吸烟。Another study found that people with these genes get addicted more easily and smoke more.

携带一些肉贵味牙签。当烟瘾来是请吸吮一根。Carry some cinnamon-flavored toothpicks with you. Suck on one whenever a cig craving hits.

但是,通过自己大量的努力和人们的支持,是可以帮助你勇敢戒掉烟瘾的。But plenty of programs and people can help you make the brave effort to becoming smoke free.

失败了五次之后,我很惊恐的意识到我的烟瘾比我想象的要强烈的多。Five failed quits later and I realized with horror that my addiction was stronger than I was.

可以在旅馆里抽烟是简直是一种堕落,勾起了我极大的烟瘾。The sheer decadence of being able to smoke inside triggers a massive craving for a cigarette.

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但是他说脑岛的损伤看起来好像摧毁了与烟瘾必要的联系。But he says damage to the insula does seem to destroy necessary link in the smoking addiction.

而且,乐观者不容易得高血压、糖尿病,也不容易染上烟瘾。Optimists also were also less likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes or smoke cigarettes.

该酒楼的女服务员发现烟瘾大发的客人把自己反锁在包间里。The chain's waitresses found themselves locked out of private dining-rooms by renegade puffers.

哈�的决定一定会让烦透其烟瘾的老爸查尔斯王储大感欣慰。His decision is likely to hearten his father, Prince Charles, who loathes his son's nicotine habit.

很多人都在为父亲每天的吞云吐雾感到担忧,又无可奈何父亲几十年养成的烟瘾。Many people are in for father's day content worried, and helpless father decades nurturance addiction.

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她认为这和观察16岁吸烟少年来得出肺癌与儿童烟瘾的关系一样。She likened the study to looking at 16-year-olds who smoked as children to see if they had lung cancer.

大多数人逐渐减少尼古丁代替类产品的剂量,直到他们完全戒掉烟瘾。Most people gradually reduce their use of nicotine-replacement products until they've completely stopped.

在众议院开会,烟瘾大的博纳从来坐不住,每隔一小时就要偷偷溜出来抽烟。In the House meeting, Boehner has never been heavy smokers sit still, every hour would sneak out to smoke.