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检查你的形态。Check your form.

什么是城市形态?What is Urban Form?

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什麽是死猫诈尸形态?What is a Dead Cat Bounce?

富士山形态优美。Mt. Fuji has a graceful shape.

我想这个形态很合适您。相比看近视眼镜。I think this shape suits you well.

城市形态有什么作用?What Does Urban Form Contribute to?

莲属具特殊的形态。Nelumbo had particular morphologies.

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董事的自我交易行为是其中最主要的形态。Self-dealing is the main type of it.

气元素给形态充气。The element of air aerates the form.

肿瘤形态呈分叶状或菜花状。The tumors showed lobulated in shape.

在我们的一生中其形态都在改变。It changes its form throughout our life.

熊和猫形态的小德现在会吸引跳蚤。Bear and cat druids will now catch fleas.

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他令人惊讶的形态是多么地迷人!How soul-bewitching is His wondrous form!

节点控制几何体的形态。Nodes that control the shape of geometry.

中国藤黄科植物花粉形态的研究。Pollen morphology of Guttiferae in China.

耳石的形态发育。The morphological development of otolith.

光的身体是我的无形态去形成的。Body of Light was my formless form formed.

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远离未来,无形态仍正在形成。Far from the future, formless yet forming.

他把目光投向了湘西自然的生命形态。He focused on the natural life of Xiangxi.

梨属植物花粉形态的观察研究。Observation on pollen morphology of Pyrus.