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我听天由命,凡降临于我的都是公正的。You are the angel befallen the stage.

接近黄昏时,亚历克斯已经准备听天由命。By late afternoon Alex had become resigned.

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中国人死于听天由命和漫不经心!Chinese people died of their own fate and casual!

他带着悲哀的,听天由命的神气躺着等死。He lay an image of sadness and resignation waiting his death.

这是最后一个打击,甘果瓦听天由命地接受了。This was the last blow. Gringoire received it with resignation.

不要把它留给你的框架来决定,不要听天由命,依赖运气。Don’t leave it up to your framework. Don’t leave it up to chance.

对了,像特里说的,听天由命。Oh well, like Trey said, inshallah , which meant, like, whatever.

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成功是事在人为还是听天由命?Is success in life earned or do people succeed because they are lucky?

它们正因为对这个世界知晓得太多,才这样听天由命。Submit to the will of Heaven cause they know too much about the world.

我可以选择听天由命,或是夺过对命运的掌控权。My choice was to sit back and let life take its course or for me to plan it.

他们遗弃了孩子,任其在社会福利中听天由命。They have abandoned their children to the tender mercies of the social services.

既然我们想不出一个有效的挽救办法,我们只好听天由命了。We have to resign ourselves to fate since we cannot think out an effective remedy.

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当有人被指控犯罪,就会被推到那个公审场接受审判,一切听天由命。When a person was accused of a crime, his future would be judged in the public arena.

艾尔缀德被判决的那一天,我怀着听天由命的心情踏上前往华盛顿的路途。The day Eldred was decided, fate would have it that I was to travel to Washing ton, D.

火车时常晚到,所以上班要准时完全要听天由命。The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.

如果还伴随着致命的心律失常,患者的生死就只有听天由命了。The patient may survive or succumb if the event is accompanied by a fatal heart rhythm.

你可以听天由命,慢慢的学,有时候或许会很痛苦。You can larn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you.

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忙前,先分个工,我只吃饭不洗碗,这就听天由命了。Before busy, first divide the work, I only a portion to eat not to wash the dishes, it is resigned.

我让她懂得林惇先生保持着哲人的听天由命的态度,她可受不了。She could not bear the notion which I had put into her head of Mr Linton's philosophical resignation.

这将在很长的时间里让全世界最脆弱的人群在天灾面前听天由命。That will keep the world's most vulnerable populations at the mercy of nature's vagaries for far too long.