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王国成的病情日渐恶化。Guocheng's condition deteriorated.

这位病人日渐衰弱。The patient grew weaker every day.

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她因遭情人遗弃而日渐憔悴。Abandoned away by her lover, she pined away.

夏季一天天过去,幼鹿日渐生长。As the summer progresses and the fawns grow.

人人都辛勤地耕种花园,使它日渐丰实。Everybody worked to keep the garden growing.

要求日相森喜朗下台压力日渐升高。Pressure mounts on Japan PM Mori to step down.

阳光热力渐强,天气也日渐温暖。Warmer grow the sunbeams , and softer the air.

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虽然保持人民币兑美元汇率处于低位有助于中国的出口和经济,但却令贸易伙伴日渐不满。But increasingly, it angers its trade partners.

市场崩溃后,华尔街生意日渐萧条。Behind the market meltdowns, business is slowing.

在那个日渐衰弱的躯壳里的,还是那个他。It was still him in there, inside the failing shell.

我们不能任由粤剧艺术日渐凋零。We can't let the art of Cantonese opera wither away.

小天使日渐长大,她的父母也变得年迈体弱起来。As the angel grows up, her parents grow old and weak.

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此种锚栓也可能发生腐蚀和日渐松脱的情形。They may also be subject to corrosion and bolt 'creep'.

日渐提高的收入还催生了对于高档品牌的消费欲望。With rising incomes comes a desire for flashier brands.

在你日渐放弃自己的时候,我仍然冷得庞然。When you have give up on yourself, I still cold Pang ran.

株洲新一佳石峰店日渐萧条的原因是什么?Zhuzhou A, Best Shifeng Shops increasingly depressed why?

同时简单分析潮汕歌谣日渐衰微的原因。Simple analysis also the decaying Reason of Chaoshan songs.

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德国人民支持反民主党派呼声日渐高涨。The Germans increasingly supported anti-democratic parties.

大举贷款,哄抬物价,这些投机行为日渐疯狂。A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.

但是Geelani先生的影响力正随着他的健康恶化而日渐消失。But Mr Geelani's influence is waning, along with his health.