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淡水在摄氏零度结冰。Fresh water freezes at 0℃.

水在镊氏零度结冰。Water freezes at 0centigrade.

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水在零度时结冰。Water freezes at zero degree.

预计气温将在零度以下。Sub-zero temperatures are expected.

气温将在零度以上。The temperature will be above zero.

今天气温在零度以上。The temperature is above zero today.

零度,五度,十五度,二十度,三十度!Zero, five, fifteen, twenty, thirty!

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寒暑表昨夜降至零度。The thermometer fell to zero last night.

昨天的气温在零度以上。The temperature yesterday was above zero.

零度以上是什么意思啊?The temperature is above zero degree Celsius.

花芽萌动的生物学零度为0℃。The temperature of flower bud sprouting is 0℃.

即使在夏天这里的温度也保持在零度以下。Even in summer the temperature is subzero here.

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这里的冬季的气温往往在零度以下。There is often subzero temperature in winter here.

标准状态为温度摄氏零度和压力760毫米汞柱。Zero ℃ temperature and 760 mm of mercury pressure.

白天的气温将保持在零度以上。The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time.

天冷得很,也许到了华氏零度。It was freezing cold, perhaps zero degrees Fahrenheit.

而零度以下的新英格兰低温对于我的寻找并无帮助。The sub-zero New England cold hadn't helped my search.

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里面的温度零度以上几度。The temperature inside is a few degrees above freezing.

霍华德可以命中底线零度角的跳投,其他时候可以被无视。Juwan Howard can hit baseline jumpers, and not much else.

明天会是好天气。温度会保持在零度以上。Tomorrow will be nice. The temperature will stay above zero.