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女王陛下提拔他为卫队长。The queen made him officer of the guard.

最高主教狄格拜被当场提拔为大天使。Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel.

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我获得提拔的消息真是喜从天降。The news of my promotion is an unexpected joy.

提拔名单上有203817个唱票人。There are 203817 voters on the electoral rolls.

这名干部是从基层提拔上来的。This official was promoted from the grass roots.

他被提拔后骄傲起来。He was inflated with pride since he was promoted.

鸿发提拔博雅做了私人助理。Hongfa promoted the liberal do personal assistant.

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当潘能正常说话后,郑提拔了他。When he could speak normally again, he promoted him.

珍在讨好新来的主任,为了是能得到提拔。Jane is buttering up the new director to gain promotion.

对丹瑞的提拔后来证明是奈温将军一生中最大的错误。It turned out to be Ne Win’s biggest mistake in his life.

左宗棠是他一手提拔的,却一点也不知感恩!Tso was his hand-picked, but I do not know that Thanksgiving!

他那所学校破格提拔他当副教授。His college gave him accelerated promotion to Associate Professor.

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汉武帝很高兴,就提拔陈步乐为郎官。Pleasant with the good news, Emperor Wu promoted Chen as a reward.

这家公司提拔了后者,训斥了前者!The corporation promoted the latter while reprimanding the former!

这样会使得干部提拔的选择更困难、更富于争议。This will make promotion decisions more difficult and contentious.

雇主们说他们更有可能提拔穿着体面的员工。Employers say they are more likely to promote well-dressed workers.

从尘埃里提拔弱小的人,由粪土中举扬穷苦的人。He lifts up the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap.

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其中前任地方行政长官安娜玛利亚提拔为内政部长。Anna Maria Cancellieri, a former prefect, becomes interior minister.

据报导,埃尔多安已表示,他要阻止提拔那些他认为参与推翻政府阴谋的军官。Most of the officers who have been charged are being held in prison.

我想出来作官为国家做点事,然而又遇不到能欣赏我的人来提拔我。I wanted to work for my country whereas nobody knows and promotes me.