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这两个合作社在合作。The two coops work hand in hand.

合作社在展览会上出售艺术品。The co-op sells the art work at exhibitions.

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继续举行合作社论坛会议。Continue to hold the Meeting of Cooperatives.

六年后,一个新的合作社诞生了。Six years later, a new co-operative was born.

为您的慈善事业创建一个风险合作社Create a Co-op Business Venture With Your Charity

它有一个银行,邮局和一个合作社商店。It's got a bank, a post office, and a co-op store.

附近的合作社经售日用品。The co-op close by deals in articles of daily use.

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帮助小型,激进的合作社,以建立自己的。Helps small , radical coops to establish themselves.

儿童营养合作社,亚松森,巴拉圭。Children's nutrition cooperatives, Asuncion, Paraguay.

合作社组织还可选择与金融中介协作。Or a group of coops may hire a financial intermediary.

农民可以成立合作社来与超市打交道。Farmers can set up coops to deal with the supermarkets.

农民可以成立合作社来与超市打交道。Farmers can set up co-ops to deal with the supermarkets.

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她加入了附近的一个食品合作社,以便减少食品开销。She joined a nearby food cooperative to slash her bill.

她加入了一个叫作“有机Ekta”的茶叶合作社。She has joined a new tea cooperative called Organic Ekta.

合作社与可持续发展目标一样,也是以人为本。Like the SDGs themselves, cooperatives are people-centred.

其他的人通过牛奶俱乐部或者合作社得到生牛奶。Other people get raw milk through milk clubs or cooperatives.

对童庄河脐橙生产营销专业合作社的具体分析。Third, the specific analysis of the Tongzhuanghe Cooperatives.

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游览负担得起的住房合作社,网上申请和分享信息。Tour affordable housing coops , apply online and share information.

合作社注重价值观的鲜明特点使其即使在艰难岁月也能繁荣昌盛,证明自己是百折不挠生命力强的商业模式。viable business model that can prosper even during difficult times.

CoLAB将简单合作社变成了一个时髦的、值得奔忙的项目。CoLAB transformed the simple co-op into a funky, buzz-worthy project.