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谢谢珮琳在观摩上的用心和努力。Thanks for Patty's industrious work on the demo.

与会人员还观摩了方国胜工作室。Participants also watched the Fang Guosheng studio.

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静若如此,可赏景来亦可观摩梧桐之文。Static if so, can also observe the rewards Jing Lai indus.

他给了我我的金曲集,也现场观摩了我们的世界杯决赛。He gave me my gold disc and came to the World Cup semi-final.

随后进行的德国影视节目展播吸引了大批来宾观摩。The German film and TV programs also attracted many visitors.

他并没有太多工作,反而把时间花在了观摩那些球手们上面。He didn't get much work and instead spent his time watching the players.

在网上和电视上,他的授课录像也被数以百万的观众欣赏观摩。His video lecture has also been watched by millions on the web and on TV.

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角色扮演、活动体验、专家讲授、小组讨论、自我测评、录影带观摩。Lecturing, group discussion, role playing, games, self-assessment, video viewing.

学生们可直接观摩创作全过程每一分每一秒的情景。Students could see the artistic process directly, in its moment-to-moment fullness.

您可以利用自己的经验、观摩导师,或是从书上学习专家是如何做的。You can tap your own experience, watch a mentor, or read about what the experts do.

进入展馆,不仅可以欣赏到菲律宾独特的风土人情,还能观摩精彩的文艺演出。Visits can enjoy unique local conditions, customs and art performances inside the pavilion.

同时,我们会安排修这门课的学生每周花一些时间观摩大学预备课程的数理课程。Students in this course spend time each week observing pre-college math and science classes.

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拆解设备提供内部观摩,不应被视为反组装指引用。Teardowns provide a look inside a device and should not be used as disassembly instructions.

回想这学期观摩过的学校,你应选择一所做为假想的教学地点。You should set your lesson in one of the schools that you have been observing in this semester.

当他们面对下一个敌人,凯巴布部落前,他们带领对方的使者观摩了一番他们制造的屠场。When they confronted the next tribe, the Kaibabs, they brought an emissary back to view the carnage.

婚礼仪式在当地教区的教堂举行,有牧师担任主持,登记员为新人注册,甚至双方家长在旁"观摩"。The wedding was carried out in the local parish church, with a vicar, a registrar and parents watching.

集体备课、“听-评课”和观摩教学是教师从事教学研究的主要方式。Collective lesson preparation, organizing and evaluating demonstration classes were the chief mode of TRST.

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明视康眼科欢迎您每逢手术日现场观摩。The MSK Eye Clinic always welcomes the guests to witness the on-the-spot observation on each operation day.

然后,他把金深水带进刑讯室,让金深水观摩对林婴婴用刑。Then, he took gold deep water into torture Chambers, gold deep water view of Lin Ying infant punished them.

计算了甘氨酸的表观摩尔体积、极限摩尔体积和理论水化数。The apparent molar volumes, limiting partial molar volumes and hydration numbers of glycine were calculated.