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初春育苗成了一大苦事。Growing seedlings in early spring was another hard job.

头花蓼种子育苗技术研究。Study on raising seedling technology of polygonum capitatum.

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研究了圆铃大枣绿枝扦插育苗技术,以期为生产提供指导。The purpose of this study was to provide direction for production.

在比较冷凉的地区是这样。在气候比较暖和的条件下,可以在苗床上育苗。Yes, in cooler areas. But in warmer climates we start them in beds.

根穗粗度与长度对育苗成活率影响很大。The thickness and length of root cuttings affect the survial rate greatly.

育苗底纸对种子发芽和出苗无影响,可以促进主根的发育和培养壮苗。There was no influence with the bottom paper on germination and emergence.

污泥和垃圾堆肥用作林木育苗基质的研究。Use of sewage sludge and refuse compost as medium for sapling cultivation.

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本文报道了方斑东风螺人工育苗试验。This paper reported experiments on the artificial propagation of Babylonia.

两冬一夏沙藏层积处理可以提高播种育苗的效果。Two winters and one summer stratification can raise seedling emergence rate.

目的研究头花蓼种子育苗技术。Objective To study on raising seedling technology of the Polygonum capitatum.

为此,希望在育苗的前20天内,不需换水而又能维持水质的正常和稳定。So, the stabilization of the water quality was expected in the first 20 days.

以上方法可用于种子发芽试验和育苗生产。The results could be used for testing of germination and product of seedling.

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对9个小白菜品种夏季育苗移栽后的生长情况和馅用特性进行了研究。The experiment on comparison of 9 pakchoi varieties was carried out in summer.

育苗是温室番茄生产的一个重要环节。Raising young plants is an important tache for the production of greenhouse tomato.

今天,我打印了2003年至2010年的小学数学育苗杯竞赛题。I printed the Seeding Cup Primary school math contest paper from 2003 to 2010 today.

鼠尾藻的人工育苗及养殖技术正在各地悄然兴起。The artificial breeding and culture technology of S. thunbergii is gradually rising.

每操作一次即可完成一个育苗盘的播种。The sowing of one seedling-raising disk can be completed by operating the seeder once.

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配子体克隆技术的应用,给海带的育苗育种研究注入了新的活力。The application of gametophyte clone technology injects new vigor into the study of ke.

农耕地育苗,要选有排灌条件、肥力较好的土地。Farming to breeding, to choose a drainage conditions, soil fertility of the land better.

PRRS毒血清转换和毒血症通常发生在生产育苗阶段。PRRSV seroconversion and viremia typically occur during the nursery phase of production.