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让我更大度豁达一点。Let me be a little blinder.

又有花王雍容之大度。Also has peony graceful magnanimous.

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预见到会有亏损,雍容大度地接受亏损。Expect and accept losses gracefully.

何等的宽厚大度又和蔼仁慈啊!How kind and magnanimous Li Hongzhi sounded!

郑百春也大度地伸出了手。Baichun Zheng also put his hand magnanimously.

尼赫鲁以他一贯的大度之风作了回答。Nehru responded with characteristic generosity.

那高个女孩看下来比矮个的大度。The tall girl looks lovelier that the short one.

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他的真诚和大度长存于我们的记忆中。His honesty and generosity perpetuated our memory.

我的岳母和迪克·凯利也都对我的错表现得很大度。My mother-in-law and Dick Kelley were great to me.

如果一个孩子生活在宽容之中,他就学会了大度。If a boy lives in the animadversion , he learns to blame.

他们以自己的劳动而荣,他们慷慨大度。They take pride in their labor, and are generous in spirit.

因此我们必须宽容大度而有包容心!Therefore, we must be tolerant and inclusive , generous heart!

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东北地区的人们坚忍顽强、平静怜悯、谦逊大度。People of the Tohoku region are stoic, compassionate, calm and humble.

好吧,我的大度的大脑门的朋友,我的客人就是我游戏里的人物。Well, my generously foreheaded friend, they’re the characters in the game.

如果你坚持大度并无私奉献,你会发现你的友谊会长盛不衰。If you are generous and giving, you will find that your friendships flourish.

豁达是一种修养,却需要大度作为铺垫。Open-minded is an accomplishment, but requires generosity as a foreshadowing.

旅行去吧,没有烦恼,没有杂乱,没有不安。只有开心,大度,豁达。Travel go, no worries, no mess, no anxiety. Only happy, generous, open-minded.

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艺术家--想是慷慨大度,有创造力并且能做有影响力的积极地改变。The artist--wants to be generous, creative and make positive change with impact.

善解意和容忍大度的他们乐于助,平时以他们的思想和口才生动于任何际动。They usually liven up any social gathering with their ideas and verbal facility.

想要增加更猛烈的结果,可以留长发,长发和齐刘海形成大度的比拟。To add an even sharper twist, use these bangs with long hair as a nice contrast.