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就业前景光明。Job prospects are bright.

其一是就业与住房的关系。One is the employment-housing nexus.

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一个人,一个工作,去基层就业。One man, one job and de-skilled jobs.


他说他要创造250万个就业岗位。He said he wanted to create 2.5m jobs.

现在就业很紧张。The job market's kind of hard right now.

从就业前景来讲,In terms of, you know, the job prospects,

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再过两天,我就能完成这份就业。Two more days- and I can finish the work.

我去找过一个就业指导员,I just went to one of the careers officers

这对就业有帮助对吧?That would help your unemployment figures?

美国将未花的不良资产救助计划资金用于增加就业。US bailout money to be used to boost jobs.

采取积极主动的就业服务措施。Adopting active employment service measures.

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这个联委会是一个就业委员会。And the Joint Committee is a jobs committee.

如果你是一位青少年,带好你的就业证件。If you're a teen, bring your working papers.

他们称这一协定为就业杀手。The agreement, they said, was “job-killing.”

我们要广开就业门路。We have opened up more avenues of employment.

中小型企业是制造就业机会的源泉。Middle and small-sized firms are job creators.

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它的伤惭妨碍它就业。His disability prevents him from holding a job.

它将创设出上百万个就业机遇。It will create over 1million job opportunities.

私营部门的就业增长大幅减缓。Private-sector job growth slowed significantly.