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这些电子器件都是从东洋进口的。Those electronic devices are imported from Japan.

这些电子器件以前全未用过。None of these electronic devices have ever been used.

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这家公司另外开辟了电子器件和电脑业务。The company branched out into electronics and computers.

对纳米电子器件的发展进行了展望。The development of nano-electronic devices are summarized.

我的意见是这一电子器件要立即试验。My idea is that the electronic device should be tested at once.

而这是制造实际应用的电子器件的关键。This will be critical for making real-world electronic devices.

本文给出了大功率微波真空电子器件的发展及应用情况。The advance and application of microwave tubes are given in this paper.

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掺杂硅纳米线有可能成为一种重要的硅纳米电子器件材料。Doping silicon nanowire is the Si-based material of silicon nanoelectronic devices.

而构造自旋电子器件的其中一个最基本的条件是自旋电流的产生。Among the necessary elements for spin-based devices is the generation of spin current.

在多电平变换器中,开关损耗影响电力电子器件潜能的发挥。The potential exerted of modern power electronics is mainly limited by switching loss.

第一章主要介绍石墨纳米电子器件的学术与应用背景。The first chapter de-scribes the application and academic background of graphene nano-devices.

我的爱好,小时候我对电子器件、视频、音响这样的东西真地十分感兴趣。The kind of hobbies I had, I was really interested in electronics, video, stereo, stuff like that.

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现代电子器件包含60中不同元素——许多有价值,一些有毒,还有一些二者兼有。Modern electronics contain up to 60 different elements--many valuable, some hazardous, and some both.

电光器件基片,电光器件,电子器件和投影显示设备。Photoelectric device substrate, photoelectric device, electronic device and projection display device.

栅是一种经典的慢波结构,被广泛应用在大量的微波电子器件中。The grating is a classic example of a SWS, which has been used in a large number of microwave devices.

利用红外光传感器和较少的电子器件,设计了一种乒乓球全自动供球器。An automatic table tennis ball server is designed by using infra-red sensor and a few electric devices.

通常,在计划要做一些可能会修改电子器件的修改时,首先要进行备份。As always, when about to do something that may alter the electronic landscape, start by making backups.

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电光器件基片,电光器件,电子器件和投影显示设备。Electro-optical device substrate, electro-optical device, electronic device, and projection display device.

由于电力电子器件容量的增加以及开关速度的加快,开关动作产生的电磁干扰强度也随之增加。The high-power rating and the high-switching frequency of the actions might result in severe conducted EMI.

这种石墨烯带还拥有平滑的边缘,而这是制造基于石墨烯的电子器件的关键。The ribbons also have smooth edges, something that is crucial for making electronic devices out of graphene.