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他们的保险标的是什么What do they insure?

Cookie和网络信标的使用Use of cookies and web beacons

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狗作为靶标的特殊原因。Dogs are targeted for specific reasons.

徽标的扫描副本附后。The scanned copy of the logo is attached.

我在找安全的投资标的。NO07,3. I am looking for a safe investment.

理想气体温标的基础。So, let's talk about that briefly today first.

您可以打印在玩具布标的两面。You may print on both sides of a toy law label.

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你定过什么目标,你又是怎样达到那些目标的?。What goals have you set and how did you meet them?

将需要定标的探头连接到血流仪上。Plug the probe to be calibrated into the probe input.

直直开直的小径使他们迷掉标的目标。The winding trail caused them to lose their orientation.

当标的价被公开后,巴里克股价急速下跌。Barrick’s shares fell sharply after the bid was revealed.

吊耳必须缝在领口下主标的上面。The loop must be sewn above the main label under neck seam.

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以最高应价购得拍卖标的竞买人。A person who buys something, especially something expensive.

评估标的物为旧房时,成新率对评估值的影响要确定权数。The newness rate is crucial When the subject is an old house.

激光打标的图像分为位图和矢量图。The image of laser marking divides into bitmap and vectorgraph.

这座塔以带有风标的低金字塔形屋顶为顶点。The tower is topped by a low pyramidal roof with a weathercock.

如今,我开着另一台贴着蝎子车标的菲亚特。Now I have been driving another Fiat bearing the scorpion badge.

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第二部分研究了动产抵押标的物范围。The second part is about the subject matter of Chattel Mortgage.

指在依营业租赁契约承租之租赁标的物上之改良。Upgrading made to leased property under operating lease contracts.

这个小上标的意思,是处于1巴气压下。That little zero, that little superscript means one bar always. OK.