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不,我们有非常不同的着眼点。No, we have very different approaches.

语篇开始成为对比研究新的着眼点。Text has become the new emphasis of contrastive study.

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学科建设是医院技术建设的着眼点。The subject build is a focal point of hospital technology build.

那么,经济低迷期,企业创新的主要着眼点在哪里?Then, what should the innovation focus on in the economic downturn?

这是本文最深入的一个着眼点和归结点。In this paper, this is the most in-depth and focus boils down to a point.

本文以袁枚“性灵说”中“性情”这一点为着眼点展开论述。This thesis researches in the Yuan Mei's poetry theory-"Disposition and Feeling".

改革试验的着眼点在于中部思想解放、大胆创新。The focus of the pilot reform is to emancipate the mind and make bold innovations.

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有这么多的紧迫感、冲突和不确定性,必须都在某方面有着眼点和基础。With so much urgency, conflict and uncertainty, there must be an anchor somewhere.

我们接受的是以永远结束战争为着眼点进行自主决定。We accepted self-determination with a view to ending war once and for all," he said.

而我们在阿富汗的平叛运动的真正着眼点是赢得民心。Our counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan is really focused on winning the people.

着眼点在于企业的长远发展和多视角的综合评价。Focused on the long-term development and comprehensive evaluation of many perspectives.

她选择将着眼点落在个人和家庭关系上,揭示人性与灵魂。She instead chose to focus on personal and family dynamics, matters of the heart and soul.

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打个比方,就好像当房子着了火,他的着眼点却在拉起的窗帘可以防火。As the house burns down, Sowell observes that the fire-resistant curtains seem to be holding up.

判断自杀意图真实与否的着眼点之一就是找到“为什么是现在”的答案。One starting point for judging the authenticity of suicidal ideation is to figure out “why now?”

我们把此举认为是能源向外部流动,你的着眼点是给予和奉献。Think of this as an outward flow of energy. Your focus is on giving and on making a contribution.

对这样一个充满挑战性的题材,我们要把着眼点放在“据点”这个空间上,把笔墨放在群体的述说上。For such a challenging topic, we focus on the space of the "stronghold", and mainly describe group narrations.

由于笔者的着眼点是透过先秦与古希腊神话比较研究来考察中西文化的异同。The first is the advance of the research for the pre-Qin myths, the Greek myths and the comparison between them.

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农村税费改革、取消农业税是关系农民、农业、农村问题的大事,而农业税法律制度是其中的着眼点。For the vast number of village cadres, before and after total abolished the agricultural taxes that changed a lot.

然后以研究的问题为着眼点,回顾了言语产生中韵律生成的相关研究。Then it reviewed the researches related to prosody generation in language production, basing on issues they concerned.

得出沙尘暴短期和临近预报的着眼点,建立了甘肃沙尘暴短期预报概念模型。The short-term forecasting methods of sand-dust storm are built, and the short-term forecasting conception model is given.