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你是神所特别定制的。You are custom-made.

定制JMeter测试。Customize JMeter tests.

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对部署的客户机进行个性化定制Personalizing deployed clients

一次性特殊定制物品?One-off unique item custom made?

重新定制用户界面。Re-customize the user interface.

相对于处理器定制。Contrast with processor-specific.

通常,您需要定制该模版。Usually, you need to customize it.

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您还可以设计定制的报告。You can also design custom reports.

内部定制地形印衬。Internal custom Topo printed lining.

友立方是我们为你量身定制的地方。Friendscube is the place for you by us.

单门装置需要特殊要求定制。Single-door version on special request.

一个IP板卡论坛定制。The customization of a IP Boards forum.

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他们喜欢定制化和个性化。They love to customise and personalise.

联合和启动定制的概要文件。Federates and starts the custom profile.

启动定制节点和代理服务器。Starts the custom node and proxy server.

它们也可以在运行时被定制。They can also be customized at run time.

添加和定制脚手架模板Adding and Customizing Scaffold Templates

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这家公司可定制套服。This company will tailor a suit to order.

将这个定制的查询设为默认视图。Set this custom query as the default view.

如果你来美国定制鞋子,If you come to design your shoe in America,