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煤油灯被吹熄了。The kerosene lamp blew out.

煤油灯闪了闪就灭了。With a flash, the kerosene lamp went out.

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到目前为止,我们还是靠十几个小小的煤油灯照明。So far we've been relying on our little and a dozen kerosene lamps.

屋子用煤油灯照明,用一个炉膛突出的火炉取暖。The house was lighted by coal-oil lamps and heated by potbellied stoves.

设计形式完全不同的煤油灯替代了它们。The kerosene lamps that succeeded them are dramatically different in design.

一个孩子打翻了煤油灯,一下子整个房间着火了。One of the boys upset the oil-lamp and in a minute the whole room was in a blaze.

煤油灯,火把,蜡烛,火柴等,很容易翻倒或者自燃引起火灾。Kerosene lanterns, torches, candles, and matches may tip over or ignite flammables inside.

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点亮一盏煤油灯,我们坐在一起吃晚饭,有鸡蛋、西红柿、酸乳酪,还有又干又黑的面包。A kerosene lamp was lit and we shared a dinner of eggs, tomato, yoghurt and dry, dark bread.

他们用乡土的材料做成了五环和火炬,从煤油灯里取火种。The Olympic Rings and torches were made of native materials, and flame was gotten from the lamp.

几户人家点起了煤油灯,昏黄的火苗把人的影子放大数倍地映在土坯墙上,摇摇晃晃地自导自演着皮影戏。Several houses lit the kerosene lamps up and the dim flames cast some shapes trambling on the wall.

我们的别墅用传统的煤油灯照明,后来换成了带气筒的汽油灯。Our cottage was lighted by traditional coal oil lamps and later by a gasoline lamp with an air pump.

要让21世纪的太阳能灯具取代19世纪的煤油灯需要多少人的努力?How many people does it take to replace a 19th-century kerosene lantern with a 21st-century solar lamp?

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家境好的人家有煤油灯,但是贝尔和妻子都不稀罕这些新玩意。The more prosperous villagers had kerosene lamps, but Berl and his wife did not believe in new gadgets.

曾外祖父家的地窖挖在前院,里面摆着一张小床和一张小桌子,桌上放着盏煤油灯。Theirs was out in the front yard, and had a little bed and a small table with a coal-oil lantern on it.

大约有一半的家庭靠煤油灯做照明,而剩下大部分家庭用蜡烛做照明工具。About half of those homes use kerosene lamps for illumination, while most of the rest still use candles.

这厅房只靠一扇窄窗子进光,随时都点着一盏煤油灯,形象很是寒伧。凡是该有四只脚的家具好象都只有三只脚。This room, lighted by a single narrow window, and by a lamp that was always burning, had the air of a garret.

sOccket足球还能够帮助解决目前使用煤油灯作为室内照明所引发的健康和环境问题。The sOccket could also help to tackle health and environmental issues created by the present use of kerosine lamps for indoor lighting.

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这里就是我们度过数周夏日时光的地方,此刻,映入我眼帘的是草绿色的廊舍秋千椅、白桦木腿的桌子、姐姐睡的单人床,还有那熏黑了的煤油灯玻璃罩。I take in the dock-green porch swing, the birch-leg table, the twin bed where my sister sleeps, the smoky gloss of the kerosene lantern.

此刻,映入我眼帘的是草绿色廊舍秋千椅、白桦木腿的桌子、姐姐睡的单人床,还有那熏黑了的煤油灯玻璃罩。I take in the dock-green porch swing , the birch-leg table , the twin bed where my sister sleeps , the smoky glass of the kerosene lantern.

她决定做好饭菜等爸爸妈妈回来吃,却不小心将灶台上的煤油灯打翻,结果双手便被大火夺走了。She tried to prepare meals for her parents,only to overturn the kerosene3 light on the stove,resulting in a fire which took her hands away.