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速唤众家姑姐到大殿为潘相公送行!Ask all the sisters come to the hall and see Mr. PAN off!

“经略相公”确是保留宋人的称谓习惯。"After a little Messire", is used to retain the title of Song.

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廉访相公,字彦中。赵子昂友人。书信内容大约是感谢其照顾之情。The letter was from Mengfu to express gratitude to YiChai for looking after him.

张相公模样俊俏、满腹诗书,来提亲的人可多了。Mr. Zhang is handsome and knowledgeable, thus many people go to him to propose marriage.

相公“亚亜”感谢上天让迩降生于此,幷且让皒遇见迩。Xiang Gong "ya ya" Thank God for these happenings the Nativity, with a let met happenings.

相公,明日我父亲过七十大寿,你陪我回家祝寿吧!Dear husband, my father is going to have his 70th birthday, go and visit him with me, please!

这是谁家的小相公那么俊啊?小娘子可有福咯!This is who house of small mutually is Mr. so handsome?The small Niang son can have blessing Luo!

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企业在不断的发展壮大,相公人也在不断的探索、思考。The enterprise is developing constantly, while "Xianggong" people is exploring and thinking without stop.

相公一词,宋时是对高官的尊称,后代却愈来愈贬值。Messire term SONG Shi is a high-ranking officials of the honorific, and future generations are becoming devalued.

小说第七十六回称童贯为“枢密相公”或“枢相”,这也是宋人的习惯官称。" Tong Guan 76th novel, called back to the "senator Messire, " or "Shu-phase", which is the habit of Song officials said.

“没有的事。”吉斯盖特涨红着脸说。“是莉叶娜德叫您做长老,我告诉她应称相公。”"Not at all, " said Gisquette, blushing, "it was Liènarde who called you 'Maitre, ' and I told her she ought to say 'Messire. ' "

张启山希望丫头劝二月红出山,丫头却道自己是妇道人家,不过问相公的事,拒绝了张启山的请求。Zhang Qishan hope wench advised red mountain in February, wench is way his women folk, dont ask xianggong, rejected Zhang Qishan request.

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但应称梁世杰为“梁留守”,或官高者可称“留守相公”,决无称梁中书之理。Liang Shijie but it should be called the "beam rear", or a high official who can be said to "stay Messire, " said Liang Zhongshu absolutely no truth.

根据金县、相公庄台实测资料,提出了评价基岩标的效果的方法。Method for evaluating the performance of such bed rock bench marks is also proposed on the basis of in situ measurement at Jinxian and Xianggongzhuang Stations.

他和我相公交好,有些话我们说了未免有失偏颇,倒是你们自己再让人打听仔细了更好些。He and I mutually Mr. on good terms, some words we said that creature to lose is one-sided, pours is yourselves again make human ascertain out cautious more quite a few.

我便想到,您相公门下有许多夜来乞求的官吏,他们的媚骨巧舌要比钱秃子高明十倍。I think of, you have a lot of night to come below fair door the government official of beg, their obsequiousness artful tongue should compare money baldicoot brillant and decuple.

饶世凯为人一向喜欢吹牛,认定小皮参演电影能带来两亿票房收入,王总不太相公饶世凯做出的保证,起身上厕所。RaoShiKai people always like to brag, that small movie can bring skin in two hundred million at the box office, mr. wong less xianggong RaoShiKai assurances, and went up into the toilet.