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他常常敲起警钟。He often rings an alarm.

他当当敲击火警钟。He clanged the fire bell.

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“别开玩笑了”,艾伦回应,“如果你们不采取措施,黛比会去给你们敲警钟的!”“Are you kidding?” Alan responded.

您不必重新设置了警钟。You do not have to re-set the alarm.

这为我们敲响了警钟,原因有几个。It rings alarm bells for several reasons.

威斯敏斯特的警钟已开始敲响。Alarm bells are beginning to sound at Westminster.

他的画本来应该为我敲响警钟,但是我却没有意识到。It should have set off an alarm bell, but it didn’t.

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但是地方官员迟迟才敲响警钟。But local officials took too long to sound the alarm.

最近发生的一些引人瞩目的崩溃应当敲起警钟。Some notable recent collapses offer cautionary tales.

藏书家的小小警钟在他脑海鸣响。Tiny bibliophilic bells rang in the back of his mind.

它给网络安全敲响了警钟。The attack knolls the alarm bell of the network secure.

今次天星钟楼事件,为港府吸纳民意的机制敲响警钟。The clock tower affair has set the alarm bells ringing.

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他耳边响起警钟,告诫他别让这种事情发生。A warning voice admonished him not to be let this happen.

赜“我希望可以在宇宙中安装一口警钟。”I hope to be able to install an alarm clock in the universe.

安全“警钟”要长鸣,安全“红线”要远离。Safety alarm to keep safe, to stay away from the "red line".

他是一个一丝不苟的人,敢于向人们敲起警钟,报告坏消息。He was the tough man, sounding warnings and bringing bad news.

但他脑子里敲响警钟的那一刻或许已经太迟。But by the time he sounded the alarm, it may have been too late.

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这两部电影紧凑的拍摄工作给这位女演员的体力敲起了警钟。The intensity of both films took a physical toll on the actress.

给找投资的创业者敲警钟--接受FilmLoop的教训吧。For founders looking for funding –take heed of the FilmLoop story.

她希望宠物食品事件能鸣起人们心中的警钟。She hopes the pet-food affair will be a wake-up call for everyone.