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我们俩十有八九会被抓进集中营。Nine chances out of ten we'd both wind up in a concentration camp.

十有八九是我们俩最终都进集中营。Eight or nine of the ten victims, labeled lackeys, were poor people.

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年轻的警察说,“我看,十有八九是割腕自杀。By my experiences, nine out of ten she committed suicide by cutting wrist.

另外,据估计,每一宗存档的案件,十有八九是庭外和解。Furthermore, for every case filed, ten are estimated to settle out of court.

十有八九,长有最好地面根的一面应确立为观赏面。Nine times out of ten, the side with the best surface roots will be the front.

女人家十有八九都是心里有一分爱,表面上就流露两分。Stuck in all likelihood there are a heart-love, on the surface, reveal two points.

企业十有八九资金不足,被迫勉强维持着生存。All too often, businesses are undercapitalized and forced to survive hand to mouth.

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干革命的十有八九不过是个口袋里揣着颗炸弹拼命往上爬的人。Nine times out of ten a revolutionary is merely a climber with a bomb in his pocket.

骗子的下场十有八九只能靠按摩过日子。You know that nine out of ten con-men end up spending empty bitter lives as chiropractors ?

如果一名女士开始玩弄起自己的项链,十有八九她是有点不安或是害怕。If the woman begins to play with her necklace, most likely she is a little nervous or timid.

如果你在新加坡,问谁是现在最红的女生,十有八九的答案就是蔡淳佳。If you ask in Singapore, who is now the most popular girl, nine out of ten of the answers is she.

但是,十有八九的,它并没有独特到能够偏离一般的可用性指导原则。However, 9 times out of 10, it's not different enough for the common usability guidelines to fail.

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对了,大夫上午跟我说,你的病十有八九就快好了。Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were ten to one!

女人家十有八九都是心里有一分爱,表面上就流露两分。Woman are in all likelihood there is a love heart, on the surface of two points on the outpouring.

那写成功人士十有八九都有这样让人难以置信的经历。If you talk to ten successful adults, nine of them will have totally unbelievable stories like this.

“亲爱的玛丽安,”她说,“再过几个月,埃丽诺十有八九要定下终身大事了。"In a few months, my dear Marianne. " said she, "Elinor will, in all probability be settled for life.

所以,我需要做一个检查,但是通过十有八九,这不会出现问题,现在我这样处理。So, I have to check for that, but nine times out of ten there's not going to be a problem so now let's do this.

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如果你先想透了你的目标,目标管理是可行的。但十有八九你没有想透。Management by objectives works if you first think through your objectives, ninety percent of the time you haven't.

也许,这就是为什么那些艺术爱好者十有八九能找到某种使这种酒兴历久不衰的办法,历久不衰!Probably, that’s the reason why art lovers, most of the time, find some solution to immortalize that headiness, forever!

进入丛林的头几分钟里,你十有八九会看到长相笨拙的疣猪,翘着尾巴惊慌奔走。An almost guaranteed sighting in the first few minutes is the awkward looking warthog, scampering1 along with its tail in the air.