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我没有隐瞒事实。I did not conceal the fact.

我没有什么好隐瞒的。I have got nothing to hide.

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不要隐瞒事实。Don't palter with the truth.

感觉上他有点在隐瞒什麽?Feeled like he was hiding something?

我对他什么也不隐瞒。I did not conceal anything from him.

这种事情你是隐瞒不住的。You can't hush a thing like this up.

爱情,和红鼻子一样,都无法隐瞒。Love and a red nose cannot be hidden.

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你不可能永远隐瞒事实真相。You can not conceal the truth forever.

他对她隐瞒了他的真实意图。He disguised his true intentions from her.

我决定毫不隐瞒地将那件事全讲出来。I've decided to come clean on the incident.

面孔隐瞒动机为各个词。The face conceals the motive for each word.

真相无所惧,惟怕被隐瞒。Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment.

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事实不怕别的,就怕被隐瞒。Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment.

但他对妻子隐瞒了研究一事。But he concealed the research from his wife.

穆萨隐瞒了他肮脏的交易活动。Musa concealed his dirty business practices.

因此,我不认为他们应该隐瞒事实真相。So I don't think they should hide the truth.

中国有所隐瞒,弗莱德曼说。China’s got something to hide, says Friedman.

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你别想对我隐瞒他的丑事。You don't want to hush-hush his scandal to me.

她对你也隐瞒她的政治信仰?Did she hide her political beliefs from you too?

一个平常人是不会隐瞒他的真实姓名的。A common person would not suppress his real name.