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1686年,莱布尼茨发表了第一篇积分学的文献。In 1686, Leibniz published the first calculus literature.

他所发明的这个方法后来以积分学著称于世。The technique he created became known as integral calculus.

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这本书假装一种不同和积分学的基础知识。This book assumes a basic knowledge of differential and integral calculus.

他对几何学的研究促进了积分学的发展。His work in geometry aided in the eventual development of integral calculus.

数学中的两个定理。分别与微分学和积分学相关。In mathematics, two theorems, one associated with differential calculus and one with integral calculus.

这些关系将证明是来自一个协作和积分学角度对著。These relationships would prove to be integral from both a collaboration and learning perspective for Yulia.

对自己的成绩过于不重视,你已经习以为常,以至于对自己感到骄傲就像在回忆积分学一样困难。You're so used to downplaying your accomplishments that being proud of yourself is like remembering calculus.

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课程内容包括函数、极限与连续、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学等几大板块。This course consists of several major parts, such as Functions, Limits and Continuity, The Derivative and Integration.

积分学是一门抽象化程度较高的一门数学基础学科。Integral calculus ' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree.

变上限积分是积分学的一个重要理论,其运算结果仍以函数的形式体现。Integral that upper limit of integral is variable is a important theory, results of operation is function forma after all.

因为你从没有练习。对自己的成绩过于不重视,你已经习以为常,以至于对自己感到骄傲就像在回忆积分学一样困难。Because you've never practiced. You're so used to downplaying your accomplishments that being proud of yourself is like remembering calculus.

课程内容包括常微分方程、空间解析几何与向量代数、多元函数微分学、多元函数积分学和无穷级数等几大板块。This course consists of several major parts such as ordinary differential equation vectors and analytic geometry derivatives integration and series.

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掌握常见的曲面方程的识记规律,不仅能轻松建立空间图形,而且为多元函数积分学的学习打下坚实的基础。To master the law of common surface equation, not only can easily establish a space graphics, but can lay a solid basis for learning multi-function.

课程内容包括函数、极限与连续、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学和常微分方程等几大板块。This course consists of several major parts, such as Functions, Limits and Continuity, The Derivative, Integration and Ordinary Differential Equation.

其中很多内容无疑是非常前沿--整合语言学,还有整合积分学,这是一种取代变量的数学视角。Part of it does seem definitely new--an integral semiotics, as well as an integral calculus, a form of mathematics that replaces variables with perspectives.

讨论了解常微分方程的积分因子法在极限理论、微分学、积分学中的一些应用。Some simple application of method of integrating factor that solve ordinary differential equation is discussed on the limit theory, differential and integral.

盖住算术,初步和分析几何学,代数,不同和积分学,特殊函数,变分法和机率论。It covers arithmetic, elementary and analytic geometry, algebra, differential and integral calculus , special functions, calculus of variations, and probability theory.

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变上限积分是积分学的一个重要理论,其运算结果仍以函数的形式体现。研究这类函数,得出几个颇有理论意义的定理。Integral that upper limit of integral is variable is a important theory, results of operation is function forma after all. Research this kind of function, get a few theorem.

再次,利用拉格朗日定理证明了积分学上的几个结论,说明拉格朗日定理在积分学中也有广泛的应用。Third, the use of Lagrange's theorem proving the points of the study on some conclusions, that the Lagrange theorem in the integral study also has a wide range of applications.