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虚拟可装载模块?。VLM? Virtual Loadable Module?

她是真的那么无心装载吗?Is she really that unobservant?

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这条船装载煤。The boat is freighted with coal.

顶部装载,在线配置。Top loading, in-line configuration.

装载地方化的动态消息。Load the localized dynamic messages.

实践装载油漆弹迅速。Practice loading paintballs quickly.

装载知识库中的所有东西。Load all items in the knowledge base.

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他们把香蕉装载在船上。They freighted the boat with bananas.

他们把香蕉装载在船上了。They freighted the boat with bananas.

集装箱或容器的装载容量。A container holding or measuring a peck.

掠夺者能装载两枚地狱之火导弹。Predators can pack two Hellfire missiles.

在午夜,卡车装载货物到我们的城市。the truckers are bring things to our city.

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棕色瓶身,装载着你肌肤的完美未来。This brown bottle holds your skin's future.

所有ee被装载在一个链表里。All ees are chained together in a link list.

如果是这样,那么它从缓存装载这个类。If it is, it loads the class from the cache.

现场直播需要这样灵活的装载车。Live standup is provided by such live truck.

用实体分解器装载外部实体Load external entities with entity resolvers

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在里面,工人用卡车装载着钢梁。Inside, workers load steel beams onto trucks.

每一行描述一个元素的装载情况。Each line describes the loading of one element.

数据库不需要已经装载好数据。The database does not need to have data loaded.