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这下没有歧义了。No ambiguity there.

语言很容易有歧义。Language can be ambiguous.

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这里的歧义在哪?What's the ambiguity there?

你能给这句话消除歧义吗。Can you disambiguate this statement?

电话号码间不存在歧义。Telephone numbers will not be ambiguous.

这种圆点标记法就是为了避免混淆歧义。And then the element and maybe the table.

全球唯一资源减少了歧义。Globally unique resources reduce ambiguity.

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这种措词可能会引出歧义。The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.

谁能告诉我这儿的歧义在哪吗?Can anyone tell me the ambiguity that is here?

语言总是充满了吊诡和歧义。Language is always full of eeriness and ambiguity.

修改歧义,重复,拼写和语法。Edit for clarity, repetition, spelling and grammar.

歧义多因为多义词和同义词引起的。Amibiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy.

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我们的心理通过在无意义中消除歧义获得意义。Our minds make meaning by disambiguating the meaningless.

所以解释这句话中的歧义,这些句子。So explain the ambiguity of this sentence. These sentences.

媒介传播存在一定程度的多义甚至歧义现象。Multi- or even mis-interpretations exist in media communication.

也许歧义的最普通的原因是由于粗心导致的词序。Perhaps the commonest cause of ambiguity is careless word order.

主要的搜索引擎要求您消除您的请求的歧义了吗?Do the major search engines ask you to disambiguate your request?

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使用完全限定的名称可能会消除歧义。It may be possible to disambiguate by using fully qualified names.

我说他英语不好是实话,因为有好多句子会引起人的歧义!No, his english is fine. Get real and get a life, although life sux.

这种意义一是一,二是二,不能有丝毫歧义。This kind of meaning must be very clear without any misunderstanding.