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水银遇热则膨胀。Heat expands metals.

气体膨胀了。The gas has expanded.

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木遇水膨胀。Wood swells in water.

空气使气球膨胀。Air distends a balloon.

气体使气球膨胀。Gas dilates the balloon.

金属遇热就要膨胀。Metals expand with heat.

水结冰时会膨胀。Water expands as it freezes.

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大多数金属受热膨胀。Most metals expand with heat.

回想一下焦耳膨胀。Remember the Joule expansion.

这里的膨胀过程是不可逆的。It's an irreversible expansion.

这种钅属伽热逅即膨胀。When heated, the metal expands.

膨胀水箱的清洗。A. expansion water tank cleaning.

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可惜,通货再膨胀并不那么简单。Alas, reflation is not so simple.

气球因充气而膨胀。The balloon swelled out with gas.

气球充气将会膨胀。The balloon will dilate with air.

软件膨胀更容易得到避免。Software bloat is easier to avoid.

物体受热则膨胀。When matter is heated, it expands.

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金属受了热就会膨胀。Metals expand when they are heated.

这是个等温膨胀过程。So this is an isothermal expansion.

移开一粒小石子,系统膨胀一点。We remove a pebble, system expands.