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情人节快乐!Happy Valentines Day!

情人节快乐!Happy Valentine's Day!

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亲爱的,情人节快乐。Happy Valentine's Day, dear.

情人节去拥抱一个御宅之男。Hug a nerd on Valentines Day.

我一直都喜欢过情人节的。I used to like Valentine Day.

情人节送她什么?性?还是漂亮衣服?Sex or clothes? what love is?

情人节要怎么过?。Valentine's Day, how about it?

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这个情人节,好好保重。Take care this Valentine's Day.

让我送上情人节的祝福。I send you a Valentine greeting.

中国情人节是什么时候?When is Chinese Valentine's Day?

我的心上人,情人节快乐!Happy Valentine's Day! Sweetheart.

今天是七夕情人节。Today is Valentine's Day Tanabata.

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祝所有人,迟到的情人节快乐!Happy belated Valentine's day, all!

我在做一张情人节卡片给苏丝邓肯。I'm making Susie Derkins a Valentine.

愿天下所有的有情人——情人节快乐!Happy Valentine's Day to my best love!

情人节填充玩具动物就很棒。Those V-day stuffed animals are great.

与张铭峰的第一个情人节!And Zhang Feng's first Valentine's Day!

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如果有人邀请你去参加情人节聚会,那就去吧。If you're invited to a V-Day party, go.

情人节也可以和家里人一起过。V-day can be a day to spend with family.

你认为,情人节是一个必须有情人的日子。You'll see that the best is yet to come.