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关于中耳内的小骨的。Pertaining to the ossicles in the middle ear.

中耳整复术中耳的手术修复或重造。Surgical repair or reconstruction of the middle ear.

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第八节中耳的神经,血管,黏膜。Innervations, blood vessel. mucosa of the middle ear.

声波经过耳鼓,然后穿越中耳。From the eardrum, sound travels through the middle ear.

中耳传音功能和微音器电位。Sound transmission in middle ear and microphonic potential.

中耳就是骨膜后面的一个小气袋。The middle ear is a small pocket of air behind the eardrum.

传导性听力障碍是外耳道或中耳道出现问题。Conductive hearing impairment is a problem in the outer or middle ear.

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耳道亦称中耳,内小外大呈喇叭状。The ear canal also named middle ear splays out at the external position.

鼻窦和中耳的气压性创伤是最常见的和潜水相关的创伤。Sinus and middle ear barotrauma are the most common dive-related injuries.

中耳外伤有流血、耳聋、耳鸣、耳痛,偶有眩晕。Ear trauma is bleeding, deafness, tinnitus, earache , occasional dizziness.

中耳腔之异位内颈动脉,文献报导极少。An aberrant internal carotid artery in the middle ear is a rare otological finding.

在鼓膜背后、充满空气的中耳室内所发生的问题就复杂得多了。Things get more complicated behind the eardrum, in the airfilled middle-ear cavity.

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中耳损伤在士兵中非常普遍,是外伤性脑损伤中出现的相当棘手的问题。Middle ear injury is a common and very disabling problem in traumatic brain injurie.

寻找简化中耳移植材料的保存方法。Objective To simplify the preservative method of auris media transplanting materials.

同时分析中耳腔、听骨链、面神经通道、鼓窦盖等变化。Changes of the eardrum, ossicles, facial nerve path and antral plate are also observed.

探讨以粘连性中耳炎为主要表现的中耳胆脂瘤的形成机理及临床意义。To explore the mechanism of cholesteatoma formation in adhesive otitis media withcholesteartoma.

耳管手术是在鼓膜上嵌植小管子,以释放中耳腔的压力。During this surgery, small tubes are placed in the eardrums to relieve pressure in the middle ear.

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目的探讨中耳加压治疗是否可抑制豚鼠内淋巴积水。Objective To investigate the effect of hyperbaric therapy on endolymphatic hydrops in guinea pigs.

因为中耳分泌物可以是浆液性漏出液,也可为浆液性渗出液和粘液。Because of middle ear secretions can be serous transudate , but also as a serous exudate and mucus.

中耳腔完全愈著塌陷之胆脂瘤耳,不适合施行阶段性手术,宜以开放式小中耳腔鼓室成形术为之。In those ears with complete atelectasis of the middle ear space, staged operation is not indicated.