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蒂芙尼开口心戒指。Elsa Peretti Open Heart ring.

李冰开口道“接受!”Li Bing openings path"accept!"

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湖上的冰裂开口了。The ice on the lake fractured.

但是一直不好意思开口。I was kind of afraid to ask it,

圆领和深亨利开口。Crew neck and deep henley placket.

好不容易笑完了,他又开口说话了。His laughter spent, he spoke again.

与其闭口迷路,不如开口问道。Better to ask the way than to astray.

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他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。He scraped through the narrow opening.

这就是那个抛物面,它是开口向上的。It is this parabola and is pointing up.

它同样是,开口向下的一条抛物线。It's, again, a parabola going downwards.

蒙托亚有些犹豫不定,最终决定开口。Montoya fidgets , then takes a decision.

“她是一名武士,一名剑客,”他终于开口了。"She was a swordsman, " he said finally.

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我正想出言挽回时,丁宇却开口了。I just want to say it, but Ding Yu spoke.

从现在起我一定要试着开口,我保证。I really will try from now on. I promise.

经济危机为中国买家打开了开口。The financial crisis provided an opening.

充其量它只是个开口的小三明治。At best, a very small open-faced sandwich.

只有这一次,布朗先生开口求人了。For once, Mr Brown was asking for support.

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范德卢顿先生第一个开口。Mr. van der Luyden was the first to speak.

猴子一时结结巴巴不知道应该如何开口。A monkey tongue-tied dont know how to open.

但愿你在杭州这段时间过得开口。I hope you've enjoyed your stayin Hangzhou.