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我并不认为这张牌将大有作为。I don't really see this card doing much.

用你的箭头键可大有作为的作品。Use your arrow keys to manoeuver the pieces.

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这只是万里长征第一步,我们会大有作为的!This is just the first step. We're gonna be huge.

我想它会在教育领域大有作为。I think where it will be really useful is in education.

青年人在这里是可以大有作为的。There are plenty of opportunities for young people here.

这时私人企业便可以大有作为,不必束手束脚。It permitted individual entrepreneurs to do their own thing.

文化是中欧可以大有作为的合作领域。The potential for China-EU cooperation in this area is huge.

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能大有作为,甚至不仅仅是作为。These things make a difference, can even make more of a difference.

依你的勤奋,我敢肯定你将来一定会大有作为。With your diligence, I'm sure you will amount to something in the future.

如果你不认为他会在10-11赛季里大有作为,那么你就准备好吃惊吧。If you don’t think he’s going to be on a mission in 2010-11, prepare to be surprised.

美国与欧洲的资金本可以在埃及的经济改革方面大有作为。Where the United States and Europe can bring crucial assets to bear is with economic reform.

其他国家包括意大利、西班牙、德国和荷兰也应大有作为。Other countries — including Italy, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands — should do more to help.

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也就是说,不再积极地在这三度空间的世界里大有作为。It means not being aggressively , actively present in the world , three- dimensionally speaking.

温家宝最后说,21世纪是亚洲的世纪,也是中印两国大有作为的世纪。The 21st century is the century of Asia, in which both China and India can achieve a lot, Wen said.

可见,虽有金融危机,但只要双方善于危中觅机,就能大有作为。As long as the two sides remain alert to opportunities, there is much to achieve, even in times of crisis.

据路透社报道,商务机市场有望借中国航空业发展的东风大有作为。The executive jet market is expected to ride the crest of China's booming aviation industry, Reuters reported.

在抵挡住一场大灾难,例如美国庞大债务导致的违约后,经过一年左右的时间我们就能东山再起,并大有作为一番。And barring a catastrophe, like a forced default on US debt, in another year or so we should be back, big time.

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他们当中有些人已经打入过进球了,我觉得他们都会大有作为。A few of them have already got on the scoresheet and I think there is going to be big things for all of those players.

它似乎在说,别的女人不仅在上班之时干得出人头地,而且在工作之余也大有作为。Other women, it seemed to say, are movers and shakers — not only during office hours, but in their spare time as well.

有多支球队放弃过去数年的成绩,期待在2010年自由球员市场大有作为。There are teams that have, in essence, thrown away the last few years in anticipation of the free agent class of 2010.