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根据新的规章制度制订新的聘书。The new hiring was done according to the book.

证书聘书票夹系列。Certificate letter of appointment purse Series.

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有多少人能面带得意的神色,拿着聘书离开?How many walk out with an appointment letter and a glow on their face?

我们将为我们的顾问颁发聘书,为我们的优秀学生颁发证书。We will provide our adviser for us, awarded the excellent student certificate.

决定聘用的话,那你就会想下聘书了。Soon after you make a hiring decision, you’ll want to make an employment offer.

如果你已找到了另一份工作,在辞职前要确保你已拿到了正式聘书。If you have another job lined up, be sure to have your offer in writing before you resign.

在一大堆的“赢家”中挑选,直到你下聘书、进行聘用为止,要么穷尽所有的应聘者。Work through your pool of winners until you either make a hire or exhaust the list of candidates.

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在职场真人秀中,这些人可能在参加节目前就已经得到一份或多份聘书。In job-hunting shows, these people may have obtained one or more offers before appearing on the show.

但是,您来信的前一星期我收到了另一份聘书并已接受该位。However, I had already accepted another position which was offered to me seven days prior to your letter.

对外不再存在教授、副教授资格证书,只有明确聘期的教授、副教授聘书。The appointed professor or associate professors can enjoy treatment concerned only in the period of appointment.

全国人大常委会副委员长蒋正华接受了管理学院院长聘书。Jiang Zhenghua, the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was appointed the Dean.

我们的调查显示,更快得到聘书的是那些同时上网求职和与雇主直接见面的学生。Our surveys show that students who landed jobs earliest were those who combined a Web search with direct meetings with employers.

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陈文申副校长、杨芙清院士会见IBM副总裁,并为他们颁发发聘书。PKU vice president Chen Wenshen, and Academician Yang Fuqing met the vice president of IBM, and issued the letter of appointment.

格雷迪认为,遴选过程应改组,重点放在谁承认有加拿大雇主聘书的熟练工人。Grady argue that the selection process should be revamped to focus on admitting skilled workers who have job offers with Canadian employers.

主席冯昭强宣读亚洲微软研究院发来的贺电,并为新任管理人员颁发聘书。The chairman Feng Shaoqiang read congratulation letter from Microsoft Asia Academe, and awarded the appointment leeters to the new managers.

她跟进与模型商业信函,简历,聘书,局间备忘录,新闻发布的好例子,和业务报告。She follows up with good examples of model business letters, résumés, employment letters, interoffice memos, news releases, and business reports.

四年前,O'Neal获得这个最高职位的聘书时,成为了史上第一个掌控华尔街公司的非洲裔美国人,他承诺会彻底改变美林保守的形象。When he was appointed to the top job four years earlier, O'Neal, the first African-American to run a Wall Street firm, had pledged to shed the bank's conservative image.

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意向协议书,销售确认书,代理协议书,合同,文化交流协定,聘书,规约等。Contract or deed includes the intention agreement, sales confirmation, agency agreement, contract, cultural exchange agreement, letter of appointment, stipulation of agreement.

当贝多芬接到聘书要到另一个城市担任乐队指挥时,三个维也纳贵族决定联合起来,付给他固定薪水。When Beethoven had an offer to go to another city as an orchestra conductor, three noblemen of Vienna banded together to pay him a regular income every year if he would stay with them.

PVC包装盒系列。线圈本。纸砖。斜面便签本等各类促销品,并推出皮革面各类**系列。聘书。荣誉证书系列。Coil book. Paper brick. The incline short note this and so on each kind of promotion, and promotes the leather surface each kind of credential series. Appointment letter. Honorary certificate series.