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治国经邦,人才为急。——孙中山。By the state, talent for urgent.

自由国家具有普通法法治国的形式。Free country is the Common-law Rechtsstaat.

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现在,他必须将他的治国哲学变成现实。Now he must put that philosophy into action.

以诗竞选,以文治国。You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose.

德与法是治国之二柄,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。Morality and law are related with each other.

历史中有一切治国之道。In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

依法治国的前提是依宪治国。Rule of Law" is premised by "Rule of Constitution".

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我对“21世纪治国之道”这个词语心存疑惑。AM suspicious of the phrase “21st-century statecraft”.

影响历史进程,他要把一个好端端的社会摧毁掉,按照他的治国思想从头再来。affect the course of history by affirming a new order.

我对“21世纪治国之道”这个词语心存疑惑。I AM suspicious of the phrase “21st-century statecraft”.

他说,依法治国是中国的基本方略。He said that rule by law is a fundamental strategy of China.

依法治国和依法治市都是以实现法治为目标的。Govering by laws is the goals of both managing state and cities.

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治国理家有什么方法或规则可依循的么?Is there any way or rules to adhere to when governing a country?

“仁政”是儒家治国的一项重要主张。Benevolence was an important Confucian advocacy in ruling states.

他努力治国,一点儿也不敢懈怠。He did his best to govern the country well without any slackness.

节用是墨子的一个基本的治国思想。The idea of frugality is a major part of Mo Di's political theories.

此外,法律公正党所制定出的治国方略甚至比现存问题还要糟糕。Moreover, the cure prescribed by PiS could be worse than the disease.

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这些声明显示双边治国才能的恢复。These statements indicate a resumption of statesmanship on both sides.

修行者也完全没有要治国,甚至平天下的宏愿。This practice has nothing to do with the nation or society you live in.

中国的治国经验对突尼斯有很好的借鉴作用。Tunisia should learn from China's experiences in developing its country.