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“我希望更多的城市逐月逐月下降,”张说。“I expect more cities to fall month-on-month, ” Zhang said.

本文还逐月分析了1996—2001年南北半球的耀斑指数。The solar flare index for the interval from 1996-2001 is also investigated.

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此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。At this time the sea are not heard, China is willing to monthly Zhao Jun flow.

美国在逐月向日本式的通胀陷进靠近。And with each passing month we drift closer to a Japanese-style deflationary trap.

6月的裁员逆转了美国企业裁员人数逐月减少的趋势。June's job cuts reversed a trend of lower month-by-month loses in the U.S. economy.

逐月或者甚至逐年的管理决策不可能大幅度的改变它们。They cannot be changed much by month-to-month or even year-to-year management decisions.

用人单位调查被认为是测量岗位逐月变动量更可靠的方法。The establishment survey is considered a more reliable measure of month-to-month job changes.

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但是,由于男性飞行员的数量逐月下降,阿诺德终于转变了态度。But with the number of male pilots dwindling further every month, Arnold reversed his position.

看见账面上利润逐月增加,郑某对自己的“英明决策”甚为自得。See the book profit on the increase month by month, Jeong for his "wise decision" very contented.

当库里越来越适应老尼尔森的跑轰进攻体系后,他逐月逐月都在提高着水平。Steph improved his game every month as he got more comfortable with Nellie's helter skelter offense.

然而展望未来,一个趋势是该地区将逐月实现逐渐而稳步的复苏。But, going forward there is a trend of a month-on-month gradual, yet steady, recovery for the region.

但是那正是意味着你的AT&T服务是逐月模式,如果你要提前解除合约是不需要付费的。But it does mean that your service with AT&T is on a month-to-month basis with no early termination fee.

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因此,你的圣坛也会提升进入业力,就象提升人类在逐日、逐周和逐月里所发生的那样。Therefore one's alter will ascend into karma just as ascending human initiates do from day to week to month.

访客可以使用信用卡进行一次性捐款,或者注册,逐月进行捐款。Visitors could use credit cards to make one-time donations or to sign up for recurring monthly contributions.

但格里芬仍在进步——他的得分,篮板和助攻数据都在逐月上涨。But Griffin is still ramping up -- his scoring, rebounding and assist numbers have improved dramatically every month.

如果你恰当地利用社会媒体建立了个人电子通讯名单,这个数字应该会逐月增长。If you are using social media correctly to build your e-Newsletter list, this number should grow from month-to-month.

方法收集辽宁省葫芦岛市1990-2009年的逐月和逐年细菌性痢疾疫情资料。Methods The data of BD from 1990 to 2009 were provided by Huludao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

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整个区域逐月进行一户一户地调查,国家调查在12月29日完成。House-by-house searches throughout the region were conducted monthly, and a national search was completed on December 29.

然而,同样真实的是,中国已经已经跌入一场货币混乱之中,形势逐月恶化。What’s also true, however, is that China has stumbled into a monetary muddle that’s getting worse with each passing month.

有人说近期离婚率和CPI一样会逐月上升,西班牙却因为金融风暴而离婚率下降,这是怎么回事。It is said that recently the divorce rate goes up as fast as CPI, however, it is not the same in Spain. How can this happen?