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容闳的思想作用于洋务派,在推动中国走向近代化方面发挥了一定作用。Rong's thought played a certain role in pushing China towards modernization.

洋务派能够启动近代留学教育,主要出于军事上的考虑。The Westernizationers started the modem fashion of studying abroad for military purposes.

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本文以洋务派办的教育为视角,力图阐述在西学东渐的背景中中国近代教育的相关情况。In this article, I want to talk this new mode education in China under the western circumstance.

洋务派顺应了历史的潮流,终于占了上风,开始飞黄腾达了。Westernization Group conform to the historical trend and finally stood upwind, the start superfate.

洋务派在修筑“旅顺船坞”的同时也为大连地区工人队伍的产生与壮大创造了条件。Meanwhile, it created conditions for the forming and strengthening of the working class team in Dalian area.

洋务派培养新型人才的实践,是伴随着传统教育的不断解构而兴起的。Westernization Group training the new talents accompanied with the traditional education solving continuously.

洋务派首先在军事学堂中引入西方兵式体操,旨在强国、强种。Western military gymnastics were introduced to modern China by Westernization group in order to strengthen Chinese.

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批判洋务思想和洋务派是梁启超变法思想的重要组成部分之一。The criticisms of Westernization Group and it's thought is an important part of Liang Qichao's thought about reform.

第五部分,晚清洋务派教育救国思想的评价。The fifth part, the latter Qing dynasty foreign affairs send the education to save the nation the thought appraisal.

张之洞作为洋务派的个中翘楚,大力倡导“中体西用”说。Chang Chih-tung, as Westernization of the secondary leaders, and vigorously advocate "in the body of the West to use" said.

洋务派的理论和实践遭到同一阵营的传统习惯势力“顽固派”的反对。The theory and practice of "Westernization group" suffered the opposition of "the diehards" of traditional force in the same camp.

洋务派提出了“艺局为造就人才之地”和“船政根本在于学堂”的主张。The Yangwu Sect advocated the viewpoints of institution is the cradle for personnels and institution is the foundation of shipbuilding.

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他是经世学派在政治领域的杰出代表,又是经世派转变为洋务派的关键人物。He was a key figure who changed from the school of managing state affairs to the westernization movement in the later half of 19th century.

此外,洋务派兴办的洋务学堂对中国传统教育向现代教育的转型也有着重要影响。In addition, schools established by the westernizationists were of great significance to the turning of traditional education to modern education.

在郑观应和洋务派关系上,指出他们既存在合作共事,也存在观点上鲜明的冲突。Cheng Kuan-ying and Westernization in the relationship, pointed out that they both co-exist to work, there are also clear-cut views on the conflict.

洋务派民用企业经营效果不佳的根本原因是由落后的封建生产关系造成的,这为后人提供了深刻的历史教训。The fundamental cause for the inefficiency of the enterprises was the backward feudal relations of production which offers us a profound historical lesson.

洋务派是中国近代最早的全面系统地接触近代科学技术的一个政治派别。Advocates of the westernization movement was the first political school that touched modern science and technology comprehensively and systematically in China.

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传教士和洋务派各怀心思,互相利用,但客观上传教士在洋务教育中起到了工具和中介作用。Although missionary and Westernization Faction had different ideas , objectively , missionary played the role of tool and mediation in westernization education.

主要探讨晚清洋务派教育救国思想的研究意义和研究现状。The main discussion latter Qing dynasty foreign affairs send the education to save the nation the thought research significance and the research present situation.

洋务教育是洋务派为了满足洋务运动需要、培养洋务人才进行的教育变革。Westernization education was an education reformation launched by Westernization Faction intending to meet the needs of Westernization Faction and cultivate new—type talents.